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Andrea could feel that her father was trying to get in

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Andrea could feel that her father was trying to get in. She was the one trying to block him out, after all, blood continuously dripped down her nose and upper lip. She couldn't let him get Max, Max had to make it out of this. They all needed to make it out of this for the sake of Hawkins and for the sake of the world that they were trying to save. 

And as much as Andrea wanted to fight, to rebel, to show her father everything he failed at.

She wanted to cry. There had been so much she never knew until now. She knows that he was never truly evil. A trickle of events in his life slowly made him become who he is today and Andrea knew that final night in 1979 when she fell and he 'died' that was the last time... the last time they'd ever have each other.

Andrea kept him blocked off for as long as she could. Focusing on her emotions as her mind continuously replayed memories as she wandered around with Max while Time After Time continuously played. The song starting to grow annoying to the woman as she held her arms firmly across her chest. 

The disco ball had begun to work causing the color to spread over the room. Max had been sitting comfortably at a table as she watched Andrea, keeping a close eye on her as she stood at her side. The lights flcikering around the room as the different shades of blue began to glow. 

"He's too strong," Andrea muttered as she began to strain, placing her hands on her temple, "Fuck!" They did not have much time. Andrea couldn't keep this up for any longer and they both knew it.

The balloons behind Max began to pop, filled with this weird ooze that Andrea deemed to be blood. The one behind her then popped as well. It seemed wherever that Max moved one popped right before her eyes. Scaring her as she continuously moved around while pulling Andrea with her. The woman trying her best to focus on keeping Vecna out and keeping Max safe.

The balloons popped one by one until the music began to warp. The record player began to play Dream A Little Dream of Me, Victor Creel's favorite song. Andrea was trying to keep him out but she couldn't. Not with how weak she started to grow. This was all too much for her. She had never exercised her power this much nor had she ever used power like she had on this very night. It was something new - something dark. 

The Snowball poster behind them started to turn orange as everything color began to fade as streamers dropped down. The flowers began to die and Max's grip on Andrea tightened as the white flakes of the Upside Down began to fall. The world around them changing back to the one that Andrea was trying so desperately to shield them from.

She had failed.

Everything grew darker. Lightning and a flash of red rumbled as Andrea immediately tugged Max further into her grasp knowing damn well what was happening and who had managed to fight through her. Frear struck through both girls as they looked at the distortion of Hawkins Middle School. Everything blue was now gone, turning a sickly color that looked truly horrendous.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now