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Seven finished what she was doing and watched as Max continued to start flipping pieces of metal over to the bus

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Seven finished what she was doing and watched as Max continued to start flipping pieces of metal over to the bus. They needed to fix it so that later it would not hurt anyone when the demogorgons came. Though, they knew that it was highly likely for someone to get hurt when going against a force such as these creatures.

Steve walked over to get the other teenagers to help. Dustin and Lucas hiding behind a car supposedly talking and arguing. Andrea didn't really talk to anyone for the remainder of the time that she spent while placing things against the walls of the bus.

Everyone began moving ladders and sealing the areas that needed to be sealed. Steve walked around putting gasoline all over the dead grass. Nearly tripping over a latter which Andrea was quick to move. The last thing they needed was someone getting hurt before the battle had even started.

"Are we sure we can trust them?" Lucas would ask Dustin almost periodically.

"Hey, dingus! It doesn't go like that," occasionally Steve would yell at one of the other teenagers.

Max had gotten in the habit of flipping anyone off that really tried to talk to her. She was quite the character. She was distant but Andrea couldn't blame her. A lot of people were like that.

"Andrea, how is she involved in this and why is she here?" Andrea couldn't help that she heard her name slip from Lucas' lips.

"She was with Steve the other night when some things happened. She's a lot more involved than you know," She could hear Dustin and feel his gaze while she climbed on top of the bus to screw one of the panels on.

"How do we know that we can trust her?" Lucas once again asked.

"Because, she's someone that we can trust," was Dustin's simple answer.

Part of Andrea felt as if Dustin was onto her. As if he had a little clue about who and what she was. She knew Dustin was smart and she knew Dustin had also been with Mike when finding and helping keep Eleven safe.

But so had Lucas, and yet, he seemed just as clueless as the other people that Andrea had met amidst her escape from the lab.

"I hope you're right," and with that, Lucas ended the conversation.

By the time that the sun had begun to set, everyone got inside of the bus which had been altered to protect them. Hopefully from the creatures that seemingly existed within their world. The creatures that had somehow managed to come to exist in a place like Hawkins, Indiana.

Though, as Seven had thought before, she could not be surprised. After all, Hawkins was home to a lab that had experimented on kids throughout the years of its existence and what did the government do? Let it happen.

The darkness settled in over the bus. A loud thud caused her to jump. The girl was sitting on the ground.

She felt panic rise within her. She had hated the dark ever since she had gone to the lab. When they had broken her for everything she had. When they would put her into the dark rooms sealed shut.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now