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The entire night was tense

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The entire night was tense. It was almost like Andrea was being judged and it ate the girl up, making her think she had made the wrong decision in telling everyone. Max wouldn't even look at her and it ate Andrea up on the inside.

She blamed herself even more for everything. All of the deaths. What happened to Will. The curse upon Hawkins... if you could name something bad then Andrea Harrington blamed herself whole heartedly for it.

Even if it wasn't fair for herself.

Andrea had broken off from the group to sit outside on her own after everyone fell into a tense silence. She heard them start talking as soon as she walked out the door - where they better off without her? Andrea wasn't so sure that they needed her anymore.

After all, she had been one of the causes of all of this.

Andrea sat in the grass behind the Wheeler home as she looked up at the night sky. The navy that faded back into a black peaked the woman's interest as the stars shined brightly above. She wondered about the most childish things.

What if the stars could listen to everything happening in the world? What would they say, hell, what would they think? Andrea let her head fall as she looked at her lap as the thought of the different personalities that the stars could have adorned.

Andrea fiddled with the bracelet around her wrist, she had yet to move it so that it could cover her tattoo. Andrea wished it could just hide her from everyone else. That she could simple cover what made her feel so uncomfortable about herself, but that was impossible now.

The entire bain of Andrea's life was now her existence, all because of the DNA that ran through her body.

The DNA that programed her to be who she was.

She listened to the softness of the wind that nipped at the world around her. The ground under where she sat was now dead, her nose was slightly bloody.

It had been an accident.

No matter how positive Andrea tried to keep her mind, she failed miserably. Only finding herself slipping deeper into a darker hole.

She listened as the door of the basement swung open. She felt quiet a few eyes on her, the eyes of the people she claimed as her friends as her family.

She felt someone sit beside her, causing the slight turn of her head. The encouraging grin of her brother causing her to sigh softly.

"You may be a big pain with a big heart, but you'll never stop being my sister," Dustin commented as he adjusted his hat on his head, "Nothing changes who you are, Drea."

Andrea took a deep breath as she whispered, "I wish that were true," She removed her eyes from her brother as she stared back up at the sky, ignoring the stares behind her, "Everythings going to be different now. I'm not just a number anymore... I'm..." Her stutter fell back in full force causing her to pause.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now