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Andrea sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair

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Andrea sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. This entire situation was ludacris, it was insane. They had creatures from another dimension coming after them. Andrea couldn't be much help at the moment and she knew it. She couldn't keep fighting off these things. Yes, she had gained more energy but going after these things again? It'd take her down and no one else here really had anything besides a bat that could rival these things.

And it put everybody on edge.

There had been a pause after Dustin's outburst. Clearly, he wasn't as happy about the metaphor he had come up with either but at the time it seemed as if he was the only one even coming up with anything.

"Analogy," Lucas corrected his friend.

Dustin got heated over the correction, "Analogy? That's what you're worried about!?" His voice was raised and Andrea looked down, "Fine. An analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is."

Nancy seemed like she wasn't too thrilled about the yelling either as she lifted her hands up before pointing at the book, "Okay so this mind flamer thing -"

"Flayer," Dustin corrected the teenager.

Nancy's lips pursed as she let out a sigh, "What does it want?"

"To kill us?" Andrea suggested, "After all, the dogs were coming after absolutely everyone in its path."

Dustin pointed over at Andrea before adding, "To conquer us, basically. It believes it's the master race."

Kinda like Papa was the mastermind behind the manipulation of the numbers.

"Like the germans?" Steve spoke up as he leaned against the table on his arms.

"Uh, the nazis?" Dustin questioned as he turned his head to Steve.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, the nazis," Steve confirmed.

"Uh... if the nazis were from another dimension, totally," Dustin stammered out quickly, "Uhm it views other races, like us, as inferior to itself."

"It wants to spread, take over other dimensions," Mike explained further.

"We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it," Lucas leaned forward.

Andrea pinched the bridge of her nose. This was catastrophic. The end of the world? If she had known that this was what was going to come out of that thing in the lab... she would've tried to stop it.

The poor others... Andrea's mind fell on the other numbers. It was a tragedy.

"That's great. That's great. That's really great. Jesus!" Steve turned from the table and walked off as he ran his hand through his hair.

The end of the world, something Andrea never actually thought of. Something she used to pray would happen just so that the lab would be over. So that the kids would be free. At the time she would've rather wished to be dead.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now