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Night had fallen over Hawkins, Indiana

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Night had fallen over Hawkins, Indiana. Owls hooted around the RV as everyone tried to run over the plan. Steve held Andrea tightly in his arms despite the tense atmosphere between the two. They hadn't really spoken to the other much since the War Zone, everyone noticed it but no one said anything.

But now it was time to create the plan and go over it again and again till it stuck in their heads. Everyone needed to know where they would be going and what exactly they would be doing. With everything going on, they definitely needed to be prepared.

"I can be left alone, nothing there will hurt me," Andrea spoke as she looked at the others, "I don't need anyone with me."

"Like hell, you're being left alone," Steve shook his head as he looked as if that was the most absurd thing he had ever heard.

"Steve's right," Dustin agreed as he looked at Eddie who nodded.

"What if something goes wrong? We'll need to be near you," Robin began to ramble, "Like what if he gets ahold of you or! You just stop breathing or you just..."

"Robin!" Andrea's eyes widened as she realized how deep into that Robin had thought, "I'll be okay."

"Our best bet is to keep Andrea with us. There's enough of us to watch her while we get in. That way no one has to worry about the bats being around her," Steve explained as he let his arms fall loose around the woman's hips.

"I don't like Dustin being bat bait," Andrea spoke simply.

"Thanks for caring about me," Eddie joked as he made a face, "Truly touched."

"I worry about you too," Andrea gave Eddie a look, "This is all... it's just so crazy."

"Tell me about it," Nancy muttered as she looked over at Andrea who immediately looked away from her.

And so the group continued to go over the plans. Eddie and Dustin would be together and they would distract the bats with absolutely anything they found and deemed useful for distracting these Upside Down bats. 

Andrea was trying her best to keep her composure around everyone, "This will work."

"I don't think I can trust that it will with you being positive," Eddie made a hand motion which caused the girl to roll her eyes.

"Wooow," Andrea muttered as her hands fell on her hips, "Such an optimist."

"More than you are! When you are we really know when to worry," Eddie teased as he placed his hands back on his hips.

"He's got you there," Steve mumbled as his gaze left Andrea, not wanting to look at her any longer when he was supposed to be mad.

Andrea looked back at him and sighed before looking away, "Fuck off."

Nancy move to stood at the front as she listened to the bickering behind her. Trying to get her head in the game and possibly find a way not to piss of Andrea to the point she ended up making Nancy do the Chrissy crumble.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now