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The group ran out of the building in the darkness of the night

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The group ran out of the building in the darkness of the night. The priest telling the two that he'd take their certificate in the morning to legalize it while he gave the two a copy. Everyone of the friends found the situation insane, cute, but insane.

"I can't believe they actually married you two!" Robin exclaimed as she let out a loud laugh, "Andrea looks like a seven year old!"

"I do not," Andrea turned around as she shook her head.

"I can't believe they actually did it," Lucas laughed as the air remained happy and carefree even if it had just been for a moment.

No one actually believed that Andrea and Steve had just gotten married. Not even the two themselves. It almost didn't feel real, but when did anything ever truly feel real?

"Well, they do say that weddings and funerals bring everyone together," Nancy remarked as everyone got back to their vehicles.

Andrea's hand tightened on Steve's, "I just wanted one happy memory of all of us together... with everything going on I fear... I'm scared it won't stay like this."

And she was right.

Everyone feared the same thing, that it wouldn't be like this ever again. Nancy and Robin knew something was going on with Andrea, that it wasn't just the entire Vecna situation that it was also the government and with Max being marked by his curse...

No one judged the decision.

Even if they were young, it was Hawkins. Who truly was going to live long enough to make their escape from the wretched town?

"So we're all crashing back at Nancy's, right?" Lucas asked while everyone nodded unanimously.

"Who is going in what car?" Robin questioned trying to figure out who was going where.

It seemed like a unanimous agreement to ride with Steve for the most part. Robin and Nancy being the only ones who weren't, taking the Wheeler's car to the Wheeler's residence.

Steve drove off after them. The group in the car now falling into an uncomfortable silence as the bliss of the moment wore off. Andrea could see through the girls reflection that Max was worried, and she should be.

Andrea would find it really odd if she wasn't. After all, this creature did seem to go after anyone that he could easily get.

They pulled into the Wheeler residence and everyone got out of the car. Andrea trying to keep her mind on the happy side of her brain, the side that kept internally making fun of Dustin and Lucas for crying during the very short wedding.

Andrea moved back and walked in with the teenagers. Her arms lazily dropping over their shoulders as the entire group made its way down to the Wheeler basement before Nancy passed out sleeping bags.

Andrea watched as everyone took their places in various places on the floor. Everyone sharing a familiar look, one of worry.

"Goodnight," Andrea called out trying to at least get the feeling of dread off of her chest.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now