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Andrea could never tell you what drove her more insane while she listened to the group that she had known for quite some time

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Andrea could never tell you what drove her more insane while she listened to the group that she had known for quite some time. Was it the constant bickering? Maybe. Was it the fact no one ever seemed to take a step back and look at the facts? Also a maybe.

Andrea could absolutely not stand them sometimes. She knew that everything that had happened to them since 1983 was beyond hard to believe. Andrea knew that far too well but that doesn't mean they have to start getting so skeptical.

And as much as Andrea wished things like this had never happened, this was one time where she was one hundred percent sure that they were right and that this... this was nothing human.

"Somebody has to attend to the customers!" Steve shot as he pointed back at the store.

"And we are," Andrea mumbled as she ran her hands through her hair, "Steve, darling, please just think this through. I know you don't want to believe it's happening again..."

"Especially if they're babes, right?" Robin couldn't help but say causing Andrea's head to go up.

"Excuse me?" Andrea questioned as her eyes narrowed, the lights beginning to flicker as she felt the ripples of anger.

"Andrea," Robin let out a sigh as she chewed on her lip.

"Not like that, Andrea, come on," Dustin was losing his patience, "You know..."

"Know what?" Andrea shot as the clock on the wall shattered, "That I'm tired of listening to you all fucking fight and bicker? That I'm tired of none of you wanting to listen to what I have to say until something else fucking happens?! No! Maybe that's why I don't tell you all shit. Or maybe it's the fact you all like to talk about Steve finding other babes, I'm sick of it!"

Everyone's head turned in the direction of the shattered clock before turning back to Andrea, everyone having the same wide-eyed expression as Andrea's face was overcome with anger. Causing a few customers to whisper about gossip.

"Andy," Steve whispered as he placed a hand on her arm, "Breath."

Andrea was in fact breathing, just not in the normal manner, "You all know... You all know that is one way to piss me off more than anything. Am I not a person to you all? Fuck, am I back to being just another fucking experiment? Because damn, guess I'm not the stereotypical babe that you all watch after," And there went the other clock in the wall.

"Hey, not fair. Okay?" Steve shot angrily, not getting fed up with the others, "The babes get us business. You know they mean nothing to me yet that's your defense against me? I attend to all the customers equally, babes and non-babes alike. I have someone unlike you."

Andrea wiped the blood off her nose as she began to pace back in forth in the small section where she stood with Steve. She hadn't actually meant to make the clocks blow up, she had just lost control.

But where would losing control get her? After all, look what she had done to Lucas.

"We've got a very big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people," Steve began to point out the movies while he managed to grab Andrea's hand, "Besides, I'm a very taken man. Have you seen the rings my babe made for me?"

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now