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And here it was

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And here it was. Presumably everyone's final night alive. They were being hunted. Tracked down. If anyone made it through the night, well, they were extremely lucky. Andrea feared for the worst. She feared that the last interaction with Dustin was the two fighting. Her last interaction with Steve being her running off in anger after their fight.

She loved them so much. She just prayed that no matter who lived and who died, wherever she would end up, she'd be with them. Even if this monster was not coming for Andrea, if it laid a hand on either of them... Andrea wouldn't be alive much longer.

And now, here everyone was sitting in a circle around the living room. Andrea stood as she faced the window of Hopper's cabin. The words 'he's coming' had just left her lips. No one said anything. Everyone just stared at the girl as she looked out the window.

Andrea knew what they were probably thinking. She had gone mad. This monster had driven her insane and she was incapable of fighting for herself. For fighting for the safety of others. Andrea turned her head as she looked at them, pointing to her ears.


And so they did. Nancy's head moved in Andrea's direction. The other woman slowly walked over to the window to peer out as well. Through the silence, it seemed that everyone had heard the sound, the sound that Andrea had heard.

"Do you guys hear that?" Nancy asked as she looked back at the others, making sure that she wasn't the only person besides Andrea hearing it.

"It's just fireworks," Jonathan tried to shut it down.

Nancy turned around, grabbing Andrea's arm, "Billy," She began to speak and Andrea nodded, "When he told you this, it was here, in this room?"

Eleven nodded as she looked at Nancy while Andrea whispered, "He's coming."

The sound of distant thuds ensued. Only further proves Andrea's point as everyone began to look up at the sky. Jonathan's claims of it being fireworks were far from the truth. This wasn't the fireworks that people were shooting for the fourth. It was what Billy had been talking about. What Billy had said was made for Eleven.

It's coming.

Andrea made eye contact with Will as his hand flew to the back of his neck. The look on his face mirrored all the other times that he had felt he was close. Andrea knew that even Will knew at that moment.

"He knows we're here," Will spoke out of the silence as his hand stayed on the back of his neck.

And then everyone began to leave the cabin. They knew if he knew that they were there then they needed to leave before he could get there. Though, Andrea knew that there was a good chance that he was fairly close to them due to the amount of noise it was causing.

And she was right. Everyone paused as the fireworks began to light up the woods. Showcasing the shadow of what appeared to be some sort of monster. Andrea could feel her heart begin to race as she backed up from the others. They watched as trees fell and the monster roared.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now