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After the events of the Hospital, everyone was in full gear of finding out what was happening with the flayed

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After the events of the Hospital, everyone was in full gear of finding out what was happening with the flayed. They had never seen anything like this before. People disintegrating into... a blob of what used to be a human? No one had ever seen that before.

Will hadn't been a chemical eating freak either in his time being a host. This was a new force that everyone was dealing with. Essentially the same thing but now it was truly in their world. It wasn't just attacking them from the mind, it was attacking them from a body.

The next day after the Hospital was one that was dedicated to finding whoever they believed was flayed. Andrea and Eleven sat on the floor of her room listening to the static as a bandana covered their eyes. Blocking any sort of light that may ruin it for them.

The sound of the static that erupted from the TV caused the two to go into a sort of trance that helped them do this. Pictures and items that were tied to each victim of the flayed they knew about spread out in front of the two girls as they tried to search for them in the void.

Well, until Andrea got a little distracted and began fiddling with her bracelet.

But Andrea didn't do what they wanted her to do and she knew that. She should be focused on finding these people but what about her brother? What about Steve? Neither of them knew of this new threat.

So she set a small first priority, one to find her boyfriend and brother, then depending on how they were she'd find the flayed. As she went to look for Steve and Dustin, she noticed how off it looked. Something was not right because they were not in any place she knew of.

"Who do you work for?" The accent made Andrea stop in her tracks.

"Scoops Ahoy," Steve would repeat over and over again.

Seeing how beat up he was made her angry. She told them that this was going to be something that could get them killed. Yet, they went and did it anyway. Andrea pulled herself back to reality, ripping the mask off of her face before she stormed out the door.

"Where are you going?" Mike called after Andrea, "Did you find someone?"

"I need to get someone," was Andrea's simple response and Jonathan grabbed her arm, "Let go of me."

"Who are you going to get?" Jonathan asked, "Steve? He can't help right now."

"Damn right! He's in danger, Jonathan," Andrea shot at him as she tried to tug her wrist back, "Let me go!"

"You don't know where he is," Jonathan repeated her statement from a few hours earlier, "You'll only be putting him in more danger and us down one more person. Don't you get that? You can't be this selfish."


Andrea shoved Jonathan off of her as she stared at him with an appalled look. Everyone in the room halted their actions as soon as they heard Jonathan's words.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now