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Andrea found herself standing with the others as she listened to them continue to bicker

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Andrea found herself standing with the others as she listened to them continue to bicker. The idea seemed to be that they all go to get guns from the War Zone. Though it could be the worst and best idea that they had. What if the people from Hawkins that were looking for Eddie were there?

That could easily cause so many problems. They'd have to hide Eddie better than they already did. Andrea was nervous, so much could go so wrong. Andrea was afraid of what could easily go wrong.

Andrea found herself stopping for a moment. The woman was running through her mind of all the possibilities of what the card play could be. But that was not the only thing that could cross her mind.

If he could enter her mind, and she was just like him, could she enter his?

Andrea's eyes moved back and forth as she went over every possible way she could. Thinking back on her lessons... god, how did she not think of this before? This could've helped her a lot more than just running around with the others.

Entering his mind would be something that Andrea was not sure she wanted to do. It could be quite the experience for her and who knows, maybe she could find a way to free Max or at least hold all of this off so that no one else would get hurt.

That was all she could ask for.

"Normally, I'd agree but we need the weapons, so... I think it's worth the risk," Nancy spoke as she stopped leaning on the table as she spoke.

"Me too," Lucas agreed as he looked over at the Wheeler woman.

Dustin looked at his sister as he began to speak, "Yeah but is it worth the time? It'll take all day to bike there and back."

"Who said anything about bikes?" Eddie was quick to quip as he looked at the younger Henderson.

Steve let out a small tsk as he looked between Eddie and said, "You got some car we don't know about?"

"It's not exactly a car, Steve," Eddie rose so that he stood tall, looking at the Harrington man, "And it's not exactly mine, but, uh... it'll do," He looked to the others with a proud look before he turned to look at Max, "Hey, Red, uh, you got a ski mask or a bandanna, something like that?"

Max went deep in thought for a few moments before she rummaged through her stuff before pulling out a Michael Meyers mask, "Will this do?"

Andrea found herself crouched down behind someone's RV with the others. How absolutely no one noticed an entire group? That was something that Andrea was not responsible for. It was a very conflicting thing though.

Eddie made a hand motion and everyone slowly began to run across the field and around cars and homes. The sound of people talking came causing her to make a face. Eddie slid open the window before jumping in.

"That was suffocating," Eddie sighed before Steve practically threw Andrea threw, "Jesus!" Eddie let out a groan as she fell on him.

"Sorry," Andrea apologized as she moved so that Eddie could get up before Steve came through the window.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now