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Saying that Andrea Harrington was currently way too calm would be a complete lie

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Saying that Andrea Harrington was currently way too calm would be a complete lie. Poor Andrea was freaking out like no one else. Steve was hurt and bleeding, her hands had his blood on them, and there was nothing she could do besides keep pressure and hold the bats off.

Blood was dripping down her nose as she tried to keep Steve calm, that was the main thing that she needed to do. If he were to freak out he might lose more blood and Andrea was not letting him get any worse. 

The screeches of the bats continued, their cries of pain as Andrea focused on them as they circled above, her eyes never leaving Steve. The world around them flashed with red lightning. Steve's hands grabbed at Andrea's arms before placing one hand on his neck as he felt the bruise. 

"I need you to breathe slowly, okay?" Andrea stuttered out as she looked at him, "Steve, darling, please. Breathe slowly. Deep breaths."

Andrea watched as another bat came flying at them, managing to get passed Andrea but she caused it to stop. Glaring at it before throwing it over to the ground once again.

Nancy, Robin, and Eddie appeared as they stood watching the two. Nancy holding an oar ready to help, as if Andrea could not keep the two safe on her own.

The thing was, Andrea could hold her own. She was just too scared of what could come of her actions but if Nancy Wheeler was the one who got the repercussions then she'd do anything in a skinny minute. 

"Hey there," Nancy muttered out before Robin and Nancy took down a few of the bats that were fighting against Andrea as the woman helped Steve to his feet. 

And Andrea was beyond worried. Steve was hurt, that was the only thing on her mind and if she wanted to use her powers and hold something off for a while she needed to think of a powerful memory. A memory that made her feel so much emotion.

But she couldn't find it in her mind to not fall back on the worry she held for her husband, Steve Harrington. 

"Shit!" Eddie yelled as he looked into the sky, everyone now fighting the bats, "Come on!"

They were coming from every direction. Flying out of the skies as it lit up, screeching and slapping around with their unusually long tails. They reminded Andrea of flying stingrays. Andrea wondered if they were the Upside Down version in some weird family.

"Come on! Please!" Robin yelled before a bat went straight for Nancy.

And Andrea wasn't going to stop it.

It was mean of her to let it get the Wheeler woman but she truly couldn't stop it even if she wanted to at the moment. Her focus was on Steve and Nancy happened to just be a small problem in Andrea's life that needed to be fixed anyway. 

"Nancy! Behind you!" Eddie yelled causing the woman to turn and hit it with a loud grunt, but it got ahold of her.

Nancy started to struggle as the bat whipped her around, Nancy and Robin began to scream as they fought against these things, "Robin, get it off me!" Nancy yelled as she was whipped around.

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now