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The RV hauled ass pretty quickly out of the War Zone after the basketball players began to corner the two women who they recognized before Andrea pulled the small stunt that she did

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The RV hauled ass pretty quickly out of the War Zone after the basketball players began to corner the two women who they recognized before Andrea pulled the small stunt that she did. It caused a scene but it got them out easily and no one stopped them to ask any questions.

Andrea though, had started to grow more and more worried over what was going to happen. She believed in the people around her - she truly did, but what if something went wrong? What if he knew what they were doing and he killed them before they had the chance to even blink.

The positive thoughts that the girl had completely disappeared over the span of the ride to wherever the hell they were going. The scenery around them passed while Andrea kept trying to come up with some sort of plan while ignoring the nagging feeling.

But she was also really worried. Steve was clearly upset and Andrea didn't want to go into this with him being mad at her. if something happened... she didn't want to die with him being mad at her. And she didn't want anything to happen to him and the last thing he felt for her was anger.

That was the woman's worst fear. 

She shifted herself in the passenger's seat while they drove down a secluded road. Eddie came to the front to try and make some sort of conversation with her. He had noticed how the atmosphere was more than a little bit off. 

"Scarrrfacee!" Eddie poked her arm as he tried to get her attention, despite the fact she wasn't even looking in his direction, "Let that Poker face fall."

Andrea let out a small huff instead of speaking, keeping her eyes trained on the world on the outside. She did not feel like putting up some sort of act and dropping any more jokes at the moment.

"I know you can hear me!" Eddie changed his tone to one that he often used with Dustin, "hellooooo?" 

"Fuck off," Andrea muttered under her breath as her head fell back against the seat, "Just fuck off."

Eddie let out a low whistle as he shook his head, "No can do. Someone is in a mood now."

"No fucking shit," Andrea grumbled as she sighed, "Sorry."

"Don't be," Eddie shrugged his shoulders, "Not every day this kinda thing happens."

"Every year though," Andrea snapped her fingers as she blinked, "We got any beer in here?"

"You are not getting wasted," Steve was quick to shut that down, "Not right now, please."

Andrea resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she fell back into her seat, "I'm just ready for this shit to end."

"Will it though?" was Eddie's question as he looked at her carefully, "Will it?"

"Bruh," Andrea gave him a look showing that she clearly did not appreciate that, "Eddie, I do not need any more negativity. I hold all the negativeness that we need."

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now