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That night, Steve had taken Andrea and Dustin home

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That night, Steve had taken Andrea and Dustin home. Andrea, who had fallen asleep before even leaving the mall, was placed in the backseat before being taken back into her bedroom by Steve. Dustin helped make sure she was comfortable before the two left the girl to her slumber.

Andrea had slept through the night before waking up. Although, from the wake of the day she had felt off. She had gotten up for maybe thirty minutes in the morning before she looked in the mirror and called it a day, yet again.

So, she lied in her bed for a few more hours. She hadn't cared that she hadn't changed out of her clothes the night before. She hadn't cared that her hair was probably a mess. She could not even make herself care that they had gotten a secret Russian intermission.

She could care less.

Andrea tried to call her friends, no answer. She tried to call any of them again, no answer. She fell back into her bed as she placed her hands on her eyes letting out a groan of frustration. It was like no one truly cared for anyone anymore.

The day was going away quickly and Andrea knew that, but she did not care. For some reason she couldn't find it in herself to care about anything. To her it was all nonsense that shouldn't be at the top of someone's priority and if it was? Well, then you really were a daft person.

A knock at her door alerted her of someone's presence. Andrea rose from her bed and walked over, opening her door only to come face to face with her mother.

Despite the worry shining in her eyes, she had a smile, "Hey, Annie baby, are you feeling alright? You haven't been out of your room all day. Steve even called to check on you, honey."

Andrea looked at the ground before looking back up at her Mom and nodding, "Yeah. I'm fine, Mom. I just think that I had a bit of an overload yesterday with everything that was going on. I'm fine."

Mrs. Henderson pursed her lips together before nodding her head slowly as she stroked her cat, "Well, why don't you come and eat something? I made you some cinnamon rolls. You need to eat something and then you can go lie back down or do whatever you think is best."

Andrea gave a soft nod and whispered a small, "Thanks," before she slid out the door.

She drug herself into the kitchen of the Henderson household. She felt like screaming when part of her shirt got caught on the counter. She got herself situated at the table and began to eat a cinnamon roll. Trying to ignore the continuous flip of her emotions.

Andrea finished off her food before cleaning up whatever mess she had made and walking back into her room. She knew that the mall would be closing soon so she decided just to get an ice cream and see if maybe that would make her day even a little bit better.

She changed into a pair of shorts and a short sleeved flannel, leaving it partially unbuttoned. Her hair was a mess like she had never seen before so she decided that she did not want to fight that battle today and she took her water and sprayed her hair back.

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