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The Wheeler home

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The Wheeler home. Home of the mythic bitch herself, Nancy Wheeler. The girl that had been the first real friend Andrea had - before everything went south and she became the first person that Andrea would say she hated.

Andrea followed after everyone else through the Upside Down as they headed towards the Wheeler Home, knowing that it was the place that they needed to be. It had weapons, after all, weapons that would protect them when Andrea couldn't.

Or simply for when Andrea didn't want to protect you.

Nancy Wheeler had been the one to reach for the doorknob and open the door to the Wheeler home. Everyone peered in through the darkness as Steve lifted the flashlight so that everyone could look in and see the area around.

Andrea went in along with Steve, the two having their arms hooked together. They walked further than anyone else as they looked around. Looking at the vines that covered the room from the top all the way to the bottom causing them to make a face.

"Might be time to get a maid, Wheeler," Robin spoke up after a moment as she looked around, the Upside Down version of the Wheeler home was truly something to experience.

"Come on. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to," Nancy shot as she began to make her way up the stairs.

Andrea jogged up the stairs after everyone else, although, Steve was the only exception of that as the man followed behind her as he shined his light up. She noticed as he paused, the sound of distant talking catching their attention.

"Is that Dustin?" Andrea questioned softly as she began to recognize the voice.

"It is," Steve ran back down the stairs before he started to yell, "Dustin! Dustin!"

Andrea followed back down after him, "Steve!" She didn't expect him to do that.

Steve started to spin in circles as he called out, "Dustin! Can you hear me? Dustin! Du- Hello? Hel... Hello?!" He flashed his light around as he continued to spin.

Andrea made a face as she pinched the bridge of her nose, noticing as the others stood not too far from her, "Maybe he really does have rabies," Robin whispered as she leaned over to Nancy.

"Hello! Hello!" Steve continued to yell.

"Steve, what are you doing?" Nancy questioned as she leaned forward ever so slightly.

"Hello!" Steve yelled before he turned to Nancy, flashing the light in her eyes causing her hand to go to her eyes as he walked over, "He's here. Henderson. That little shit, he's here. He's like..." The grin on his face while he panted out of breath, "He's in the walls or something. Just listen."

𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒔              ❪ steve harrington ❫Where stories live. Discover now