Chapter Twenty-Seven: Rira Gurotz

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(I deeply apologize for the next three chapters in advance, prepare to get pissed, enjoy :) )


Recap: "Izuku sounds familiar. Isn't that the Midoriyas sons name? It's a shame their son ran away. Not only that.. but to run away from such a wonderfully wealthy kingdom, from what I've heard, he must have been unbelievably ungrateful.",
I tensed glancing at the princess. Rumors... but why'd she have to say it like that..

Mitsuki laughed clearing the topic. "Let's not bring that topic up. Theres many rumors about that incident. And as it happened so long ago it doesn't matter. Anyways why don't you tell us about yourself?",

I glanced at Kacchan as he watched her.
Ah.. no.. Don't look at her like that, that's not fair..
I looked down gripping his cape, stop looking at her... stop looking at her like that..
Please stop looking at her, it hurts my chest..

please stop it..

After lunch ended the princess suggested to go up to Kacchans room so they can get to know each other better..

Queen Mitsuki had stopped me from following them. "Izuku can I speak with you?",

I looked at her and nodded as we walked to a separate room.
"Y-yes your h-highness?", I mumbled bowing my head a bit.
"Oh.. hun you don't need to do that.", she said lifting my head. "And you can drop the formalities.. they aren't needed... ok?",
I nodded a bit looking down. "S-so.. wh-what do you need?...",

"You've been working for Katsuki, yeah?",
I nodded a bit looking up.
"Has he been well?",
I nodded again.
"How has his temper been?",
I shrugged a bit. "H-he only gets annoyed sometimes.. he doesn't yell at me anymore... and he's been a lot nicer.",
"I can tell.",
"Huh?", I looked at her as we made eye contact.
She laughed, "you're wearing his cape. He never lets anyone touch it, not even me.",
I nodded. "He's very sensitive with it..", I mumbled.
"He trusts you a lot. Have you been staying in his room, I haven't seen you around lately.",
I nodded again. "I spend a lot of my time with him and working for him. I only come down if I'm grabbing cleaning equipment, doing his laundry, or cooking for him. I often do it when the other servants or maids leave because they're not very nice.", I explained.
"I see.. how has he been with the princesses?",
"Oh.. he.. they don't stay very long. He doesn't ever match their interests, and they think he's a little too aggressive.", I looked down fidgeting with the cape again.
"I see.. Katsuki doesn't tell me these things.. so that why I'm asking you..",
"If you don't mind I'd like for you to give me reports on how he's doing with the princesses. There may be complications if he doesn't pick one, but we'll fix that if it does happen.",
I nodded again.
"I guess.. I'll take my leave then, if that's all you need..", I mumbled stepping back.
"Ok Izuku... have a good day hun.", she then left after, as I walked up to his room.

I took a deep breath before entering kacchans room. I slowly open the door as look at the two talking about his books and things they enjoy. I hate that.. Why're they getting along... it makes my chest ache..

"Hm?..", Kacchan looked up at me. "After you make us dinner I'm gonna head out for a few, ok?",
"W-with her?..", I asked.
"No. It'll just be you two tonight. I have things I need to do.", he grumbled going back to talking to the princess.
I nodded and sat by the wall waiting for some type of order. It never came.

A few hours passed as they still seemed to get along. Although she only seemed to be agreeing with him.. Shes learned things he likes and just says she likes the same things attempting to relate... it's bothering me.. and he hasn't picked up on it yet..

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