Chapter Fourteen: Sorry

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Recap: I shook my head. "Go to bed sir, my life isn't important ok? I'm a nothing more than a measly maid.", I said as I sat on the ground closing my eyes as tears slip down my cheeks. And almost at instant I fell asleep.

I've been Bakugos- Eh.. the
princes servant for almost three weeks now.. I sleep in his room, on the floor, I make him breakfast lunch and dinner, and sometimes he doesn't come in for lunch, and sometimes he gets back, from whatever he's doing really late, so he won't eat dinner.

I don't have anytime for myself, so I don't eat often, and the prince hasn't notice so it'll be ok. I go to bed when he does. And I wake up an hour before he does. I have to clean his room every day. Because he always tracks muddy boots into his room. And he throws his clothes everywhere. He doesn't speak much. The Queen isn't sick anymore which is good, but she doesn't know about me being the princes personal servant.. Oh! And the event that was cancelled before will be continued in a few days. I really hope Uraraka gets picked to be a professional cook! That'd be so cool! And if that happens I'll see her in the mornings. And when I'm cooking for the prince...

The prince doesn't act like a prince though... he acts like a homeless old man.. stomping around in mud. Eating only sometimes, and sleeps. And even then, how can he look so masculine- Eh.. he's an alpha... He thinks I'm a beta. Everyone thinks I'm a beta. Because male omegas aren't common. Female omegas are common. So are beta females. And males. And female alphas are rare. But in some places they're common. But male alphas are more common than female alphas. If that makes any sense.. I think I've confused myself...

Any how, it's around midnight and I'm sitting in the window ceil waiting for the prince to return. He told me he wanted me to call him Katsuki or Bakugo... but I just call him sir... if I still had my royal title then it'd be a lot more comfortable. But it's not..

Another few hours pass as I yawn. It's nearing morning. And he's not back yet.. maybe he got hurt... No.. No, he's a royal. And most of all he's a big alpha.

You know, In a few days the Queen is having a bunch of Omega princesses come to the kingdom. And during that Katsuki will have to pick a princess to marry. I don't know why they just do it when he's 18 or 19.. but I guess they want him to get used to having a female around.

But there's a twist... the other day, the Queen was talking to Iida about this whole situation thing so he told me.

The prince only knows he has to pick a bride.

But the Queen is having a different princess stay a week with prince, and in his room, to see how he acts or adjusts.. he has to pick from four different princesses. So that's a month. I have to not only clean for the prince.. but for a greedy princess too...

I glance out the window as the sun begins to rise. I sigh and stand walking down to the kitchen preparing the prince a breakfast. I make him a spicy omelet, with a side of crispy hashbrowns. I've never made hashbrowns.. I messed up a few times.. and I added a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice to go with it.. I set the plates on a platter and started to walk upstairs. And I noticed muddy footprints trailing up them. He's back. As I approach the door I knock softly. A groan responds back. I enter the room and place the platter on his beside table. "I'm sorry, I didn't have your food ready by the time you got back...", I look at him then away and sit on the floor.

I can't sleep now, I have work to do... I haven't done his laundry yet this week... so I have to do that.. I have to clean his bathroom again.. although it's not bad, which is good.

"Did you sleep at all?", the prince asked.
I glance at him and he had a mouth full of food.
I shook my head. "I was waiting for you to get back sir.",
He groaned. "Why do you even wait for me?",
"Oh...", I don't actually know why.. it just feels like the right thing to do..

"Uhm.. Because, well, what if you get back, and you need my assistance with something? I should be available at all times.. if you need me to do something I should be there to do it..", I explained.

He sighed and put his empty plate and cup down as I stood picking it up. "At least you're not like Iida. He's fucking annoying.",

I giggled softly and nodded walking towards the door. "I'll be back sir.",

After I rinsed the dishes and cleaned them I walked back up to his room and picked up his laundry. I glanced over at him to find him reading. I guess he's not leaving today.

I gather his dirty laundry and walk down to the maid department and enter. Some of the ladies are already in here. I walk over to the washboard and began to scrub the dirt out of his clothes. After a couple hours I hung up the damp clothes, and started my way back up the stairs and towards his room. I yawned and entered to find him reading still. "Did you sleep outside or something?", I asked.
"Yeah, how could you tell?", he rolled his eyes.

"Oh... I was.. because you're not asleep...", I mumbled and swept the floors then mopped. I did the same with the bathroom.

"Hey, servant. Start a bath for me will yuh?",
I looked at him and nodded. "Yes Sir..", I mumbled and walked to the bathroom and started a bath. After the tub filled I turned the water off and walked out. "Y-Your bath is ready...", I looked at him as he stood. "Good.",
I looked down as he got undressed and sat inside the tub.

I picked up his clothes and sat them inside a basket. I then saw his cape on the floor. I gently picked it up and placed it on his bed and waited for him to finish his bath.

After a few minutes I stood and grabbed a few pieces of clothing for the prince to wear for when he gets out. As I entered the bathroom I placed them on the counter. "Put these on when your finished.", I opened a cabinet and took out a towel placing it by his clothes.

I heard the prince growl. I tensed. "I-is something wrong?...",
"You telling me what the fuck to do?!", he yelled at me.
I jumped and shook my head looking down. "N-no sir!...", I quickly walked out and sat on the window ceil.

About an half an hour passed before Katsuki got out of the tub. He walked out in the clothes I provided him and looked around his room.

I watched him relax as he saw his cape upon his bed. But I watched that relaxed expression turn into anger.
"Did you.. Did you touch my fucking cape!!",
I flinched and back up against the window. "I-I only placed it on your bed..", I mumbled.
"But you fucking touched it!!", he began to stomp over.
his pheromones.. are scary...
I tried backing up more but the window blocked me.

He threw a punch straight into my stomach. I felt all the oxygen in my lungs disappear, I gasped and coughed. Not only that, but I felt the window crack behind me.

He's so strong. I coughed harder trying to gain my breath. But before I could he slapped me across the face. "Why'd you touch it huh?!", he yelled and punched me straight in the chest.

I felt.. I heard something crack in my chest. I gasped for air again, as the oxygen I had just regained left my body. My chest ached as I tried to breathe.
The window once holding me back shattered. The prince hasn't noticed. The only thing behind me is a 50 foot drop and glass shards.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I won't do it again! I didn't mean to upset you! Please stop!", I pleaded because one more hit and I'll fall.
"You think sorry will fucking make your grimy hand prints
disappear off that cape! Huh?!", he kicked me in the stomach.

I'm not sitting in the window ceil anymore...

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