Chapter Fourty-Seven: No Choice

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Recap: He scanned the bathroom, droplets of blood along the floor, the counter top and sink. He sighed and stood slowly grabbing a rag and dampening it before cleaning up the mess.
After he finished he glanced at his pajamas. "Fuck... fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.." he muttered hesitating to change. He sighed and slowly and carefully got undressed, it was easier getting undressed with one hand.
He grabbed the shirt and put his head through the neck hole and pulled it down over his torso putting his left through first. He sighed and slowly put his right through exhaling heavily. Just movement from his arm feels like daggers being plunged into him. His pants were easiest to put on.

He turned the shower off and grabbed the wrap putting it under the sink.

He grabbed his silk gloves and put them on carefully. The pain unbearable but it's worth to hide.
The urge to scream boiling in his stomach. He exhaled heavily allowing all the air to leave his lungs.
He calmed as he inhaled and picked up his dirty clothes.
He exited the bathroom and looked at Izuku, sound asleep. Wonderful.

Katsuki put his clothes in the basket and grabbed his cape laying it along Izuku. He smiled staring at the boys face, slowly leaning down, kissing the boys cheek. "Goodnight.. Izuku.."
He exhaled and walked around to his side of the bed and laid down.
He knew he wasn't getting a goodnights rest. But he'd try.

Katsuki's pov
I slept terrible, getting ready this morning was terrible. Using my right hand is terrible.

Deku and I are sitting in the dining room waiting for the princess and breakfast.
"Katsuki I have something to tell you after breakfast. Please follow me to my office, Izuku can join us."
I nodded. "K."
I don't really care with what she has to say. I want to take Deku out on an adventure... I hope he enjoys it..

The food was brought out except one for the princess- is she gone? Is she really gone?!
"Where's the princess?" I looked at my mom, I have to mask my joy..
"She left yesterday after dinner. She said that you guys discussed that it wouldn't work out. It's such a bummer.. she was perfect.. Oh! And she left something for you Katsuki. It's also in my office."
Oh, great.. I hate surprises.

We ate in pretty much silence, after Deku and I followed my mom to her office. "So, Katsuki."
My mother turned to me sitting on the surface of her desk. "There is one more princess, Elle Giovanni. However, there is a prince after that, and then one more princess. The Giovanni kingdom has a daughter with many good qualities. Plus she's very nice."

There's three more?..

"I don't want to meet anyone else." I retaliate. I don't care if she's nice.. or has good qualities. I glance at Deku. He exists.. There's no way my mother is dumb enough to not know who he really is..
"Cmon, Katsuki. You have too. One of them is super sweet too. His name is Jun cosmic. The cosmic kingdom is full of gentle and kind people, they're located in an area perfect for mining. The metals they can access is so difficult, it would generally help us in the long run of war if you were to try."
"A Prince?.." I mumbled furrowing my brows.
"Alpha princesses are rare Katsuki.. we have to do what we can. Besides with this both sides are being aided."
I furrowed my brows. Why do I have to marry them. I mean I know why, but doing a contract would be so much more efficient than marriage. "And the last is a princess."
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose.
"What kingdom..?"
My mother exhaled and hesitated.
I glanced at her confused. "What kingdom?"

"They have a daughter within age. She not an omega though, but they're desperate for aid. And they're resources could also benefit us.."
She dodged.
"What kingdom??"
"The Midoriya kingdom.."
I had a feeling.. How disgusting..

"She's a beta?" I look at my mom.
This princess is useless..
She nodded.
"Whyd you take the Midoriyas up on their offer?"
My mom sighed and looked down. "The seeds they can access and grow would be beneficial to us.. and our resources would be useful to them.."
"Just sign a contract with the kingdoms! Stop trying to get me to marry!" I raised my voice glaring at her.
"Katsuki!! You will not raise your voice at me! I am doing what I can so you can have a future!"
I stay quiet.
I'm boiling. This is awful.
"You can't be a spoiled brat forever." She snarled at me.
I nodded slightly. She'll back hand me if I back talk.
"I want you to only sign a contract with the Midoriyas. I don't want to meet their daughter."
I have the right to say this. For Dekus sake..
"We're signing anyways, they're visiting in a few weeks and that's when you'll meet her. I'm not giving you a choice."
"They're?.." Deku muttered glancing up slightly. His stare looked dull. Hes petrified.
My mother said he can join us for this talk for a reason. This must be it..
"They're?.. all?.. all..? Three?.."
Mitsuki furrowed her brows. "Yes. It needs to be done."

I put my foot down and crossed my arms "No."
"Excuse me katsuki?" My mother stood and glared at me.
"I refuse to meet their daughter and the Midoriya family. It doesn't need to be done."

"I said I wasn't giving a choice Katsuki. You can't deny."
"Sure I can." I retaliated.
"And if you really cared for Izuku as much as you let on you'd know inviting that family. Into our kingdom. Is a terrible choice. And we wont be around to see it happen." I glared and grabbed Dekus wrist walking out.
He dragged his feet following behind. He was in shock. She knows. I know she knows. She knows about Dekus situation. She doesn't know the full story, but she's smart enough to have an idea.
How could she decide to be so heartless now..

How could she even fathom that I'd want to meet the daughter of that miserable family. She's younger than Deku- that's too young. And she's a beta. She might as well have been a servant or maid. They fucked up getting rid of their rare, male omega.

He's mine now.

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