Chapter Thirty-One: Time

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(Pretty sexy)
Recap: "Deku calm down.. you'll be ok.. try and pay attention to something else.", Kacchan mumbled sitting on the counter.
"It's dislocated, I'm going to push it back into place, when I say to, take a deep breath.",
"O-ok- w-will it hu-",
"Now.", she said pushing my arm back into socket. "A-Ah!! Y-y-you!! Y-you didn't warn m-me!!",
"The quicker it's done, the quicker youll be fine.",

"Katsuki go lay some towels on your bed, we're going to move him there, it'll be easier to work with.",

I looked at Kacchan as he grabbed a few towels leaving the bathroom. Then I looked at ms Chiyo as she drained the tub.
"I'm sorry.. ms Chiyo.. I-I keep getting hurt.. and bothering you.",
"This is my job Izuku. There's nothing much to it.", she said standing. "Katsuki get him on the bed.",

She had grabbed her medkit and left the bathroom.
I looked down watching the water slowly drain, "Deku I'm gonna pick you up ok?.. youll be ok."

I nodded as he gently and carefully moved me from one location to the next. "Th-this is embarrassing.." I mumbled looking away.

"Why? Because you're naked?", he chuckled laying me on the bed. "Th-thats not funny..", I looked away as Kacchan had moved a small hand towel over my upper thighs and hip area. "Better? Less embarrassing?", he laughed sitting in the other side of the bed. "Stop laughing... a-and thankyou",

"Stop wasting time you guys.", ms Chiyo mumbled as she grabbed my wrist twisting it and pushing it down as it popped, my eyes widened as I looked at her, I'm unable to make a noise, it hurt so much, I can't express it..
"D-d-don't take your anger out on me please..", I mumbled as my voice seemed to vanish.

Ms Chiyo had wrapped most of my injuries, nonetheless it was almost unbearable, the only thing she left out was my hip, which is probably the worst injury I have, according to her.

"Izuku..", she sighed looking at my bruised and swollen hip. Just the right side, the left was fine.
"This injury.. is really bad. This'll hurt, a lot.",
"A-ah.. m-maybe just leave it-",
"Absolutely not! Just by looking at it you can tell it's completely out of socket! It's probably throbbing right now, yeah?"
I looked away at Kacchan as he laid a little ways beside me reading a book.

He's so calm.. lucky.. he's never in pain..

I looked at ms Chiyo as she placed her hands on my hip, i jolted as pain shot down my leg and throughout my hip area, like poison.
"Relax. Katsuki do something.",
"Like what?..", he mumbled looking at me as we made eye contact. "d-dont let her do it", I whispered as he chuckled. "Just relax Deku. Once it's over, the bruising will just have to heal, and you'll be ok.",

I nodded a bit scanning his face, I wanna feel that calm right now.
Kacchan sighed and lifted my chin, he released his pheromones, which were very calming.. and comforting, I felt as my body relaxed then tense up again as ms Chiyo aggressively pushes my hip into place, inducing a loud pop sound which echoed throughout the room.

"A-agh- n-k-kach- mh-", my body was trembling so much as my jaw felt like it was locked in place, I wanted to scream, but I was barely able to make a sound.
"Shh.. you're ok..", Kacchan whispered putting a hand on my head. "All the hard parts are over. Now you can rest.",

"Well almost..", ms Chiyo mumbled,
"What-?", Kacchan was going to ask, but then ms Chiyo pushed the side of my hip roughly causing it to pop again.
"Chiyo! Give warnings! You'll put him through shoc-",
"Now all the hard parts are over, let's move him into my office so he can rest until he heals, ok? The next princess will be here in less that 23 hours. Izuku will only be a burden.",
"No he stays here.", Kacchan mumbled.
"No. Absolutely not. And no princess wants to sleep by a servant. And he can't lay on the ground. Also he needs rest.",
"I'll sleep between them. But Deku stays here. I'll watch him heal."
Chiyo sighed.
"He's not allowed to move from this spot for four days, max. If he needs to be moved, he needs to be carried, and his hip needs to be rarely shifted or touched unless absolutely necessary." She concluded and left.

I looked at Kacchan as we made eye contact. "Looks like I'm stuck by your side-", Kacchan laughed. "Lucky me. An easy excuse to decline plans, and a fun time too.",
I blushed as he carefully moved the towels and wrapped his cape around me, he then dried my hair carefully. "How're you feeling?", he asked moving the towels to the floor.
"I-I'm... I-I'm fine..", I mumbled looking away.
"Hey... you don't have to lie, you know..", he sighed having me look at him. "You can tell me what's wrong.."

"M-my hip.. is in a lot of pain.. I'm sorry.. I-I'm.. i..",
"Don't be sorry, and relax. Everything's ok right now. Also, Whyre you feeling guilty.. and nervous?..", he mumbled.
How could he?- my eyes widened as I looked away. "Your scent.. that how I could tell", he laid beside me moving closer. "Can you tell me?",
"I-I don't want to-"
"N-no.. I-I-",
"Deku I'm asking nicely-",
"And I don't want to sa-",
"It's embarrassing, and dumb",
"Then tell me." He moved closer to me, his face right by my head.
"K-Kacchan.. hm..", I glanced at him.
I looked away furrowing my brows.

He'll think it's stupid.. he'll think it's so stupid.. he'll leave, he'll leave me here alone, o-or move me down with me Chiyo-
"Deku. Tell me.. you're scents just getting worse...",
I looked at him tearing up.
"I'm... im sorry Kacchan... it's just really dumb... I'm hurt, s-so I'm useless too you right now.. I-I can't work for you like a proper servant.. and I'm.. t-taking up space in y-your bed...", i sniffled looking to the side waiting for a response.
He sighed and sat up.
"Deku.. look at me..", he grumbled grabbing my chin making me look at him. "You're injured, and I don't care if you take up space in my bed. You're also not useless to me at all. Just rest. You need it more than anyone. It's late so I'd like if you were to try and sleep, got it?",
I nodded a bit as he got up.
I overthink too much...
"I'll make sure the princess is nice to you. This won't happen again.", he grumbled changing into a more comfortable attire.
I nodded a bit and closed my eyes.

It'd be a 0.0001 chance that this type of incident would happen again. But I'm grateful nothings broken, just bruised. So in a couple days I can start working again. The more I work the more I get to interact with Kacchan, but when I don't work he's always doing other things, so working has its perks. And plus I don't mind it either.

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