Chapter Nine: Bored

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A few weeks have passed and I'm still laying in my room, I leave sometimes to go help but they yell at me to go away. I wonder if I said something wrong..

After another few days I guess I decided to get up and walk back to the maid department. As I entered everyone was there cleaning sheets and clothes.

I looked around and sighed, "Can I help with anything?..", I ask quietly, but they looked at me, they heard. Some cursed under there breaths. Others ignored.

I sighed and began to fold the clean sheets while some people stared at me.

Why am I not welcomed...? Maybe because I'm different... It'd be so much easier to just understand them.

As I finish a women walked over and kicked the pile of laundry. "That's not your job.",
"Oh?..", I look up at her and tilt my head.
"Go back to your room. You have no business here", she glared at me.
I furrow my brows and stand. "I get it- you guys don't like me. But you don't have to treat me differently! Just let me do the job I was assigned and leave me alone! I've done nothing wrong! I hate you guys! Just leave me alone!", I crossed my arms walking closer to her as she stepped back.
"H-how dare you...", she slapped me across the face. "Know your to place as a beta!",
I'm not a beta.. but I'll go with it..

I growl and sit on the ground folding. "Go away.", I growl, I wish I hadn't yelled... now I've given them a reason to hate me...

I refolded everything and stand walking out. I walk to my room and close the door and flop onto my uncomfortable spring box bed.
I've sighed so much today I don't even know why I'm doing it. Maybe I should talk with Iida.. to get a different job, because what I'm doing now is not fun.. Or... Maybe I can take advantage of no one really noticing me, and well, stay here and sleep. I mean the chefs in the kitchen make food for the others and bring it to their door... so... I can just not leave my room. That seems pretty simple. And if someone needs my help I'll help them of course... I shouldn't be rude..

I remember the maids talking about how every six years they pick a professional maid, chef, nurse, ect... to work personally for the royals. Right by their side. But only the Queen gets to pick. Next year is the sixth year which means they'll pick someone from each department.. I wonder who'll get pick.. I know Tenya is a professional.. but I don't know many people here... I guess I'll have to wait. Shouldn't be hard..

I yawn and close my eyes and turn onto my side. I wish people were nicer honestly... but everything seems so difficult here...
I yawn again and relax falling into a slumber.

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