Chapter Fourty-Three: Regret (2)

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(Part 2 of 4)
"Be quick"
She took a book with her. I'll burn that one too.
I hope she doesn't return with him.
And with that Deku nodded at me and left. I'm glad he listens to me well.. he does everything well. Except take care of himself.. I need to be diligent with his self care.. I know I'm his priority, I know it's his job to work for me, but he could at least recognize that he also exists. He has a beating heart too..

I knew touring the castle would take some time, so I read my book to pass it. A few hours passed before I put my book down on my bedside. I got out of bed and glanced out my window to see where the sun was in the sky, it was almost dinner. I'll wait a little longer to see if he comes back up before. I paced my room back and forth. I couldn't read anymore, it was starting to get irritating. I left for dinner pretty late.
I went downstairs, when I got to the dining room my parents had been pretty much done eating and my food was cold.
"Did they already eat?"
My parents glanced at me.
"You're late Katsuki. Where's the princess? Did you send her home already?" My mother glared me down.
"No, I thought they'd be down here already.."
"They? She's with your servant?" my dad glanced at me.
"Oh, that's perfect. She'll be fine with izuku."
The princess isn't who I am worried about..
"By the way Katsuki, I'd like for you to come talk to me sometime after you eat. I'll be in my workroom for a couple hours before going to bed."
"K.." I mumbled. That is not important to me right now..

I thought that maybe they were already here and I was over thinking, but neither the princess or Deku showed up.
I ate my cold food and my parents left before I finished.
I can't lie to myself, last time I left him alone something terrible happened.. I don't trust her.. I asked him to be quick, he usually listens so well.
I can't worry too much though..

After dinner, I went the kitchen to see if there may have been left overs. There was not. I waited for them to do all the dishes. Someone was left in there and I asked them to explain the appliances to me. I want to try and make something for Deku.. Their explanation was bleak, and quick. She sounded uncomfortable and scared. I'm not scary.. anyways, I got a basic idea of the kitchen.. I told her to watch just in case, so I don't mess anything up. She got me a cookbook and an apron.
"I'm not wearing an apron." I stared at her as she held it.
"B-but.. wh-what if your clothes get dirty?.."
"Will cooking ruin my clothes? Does cooking do that?"
She just stared at me and then started giggling. "Your highness, what are you doing in here anyways?"
I furrowed my brows. "None of your business."
She brushed it off and didn't ask anymore. I liked that. "Well if you don't want to get your clothes dirty, then you need an apron."
I sighed and put it on. And tied the back loosely. "This is awful.." I mumbled placing the cook book on the counter. I flipped through it until I got to the soup section. And scanned through and found something simple.
The servant came over and looked over. "Are you sure that one? Why don't you do something easier?" She moved the book and flipped to another page. "Tomato Bisque Soup" she read out loud. "I'll get you all the ingredients. And pans for it."
I didn't even get a choice. This is supposed to be for Deku from me.. and she's taking over.. I don't need any help..

I huffed as she set everything up for me.

I did need help. She helped me with a couple things.
But after a little over an hour, it was done. She said it tastes great.. so I hope Deku thinks so too..
"What's your name?" I mumbled to the servant.
"Ah.. Abigail.. but most people here call me Abby."
I nodded. "Can you show me how to keep this hot?"
"Of course your highness. It might not stay hot for a long time. But it'll keep it warm." She took the bowl and put a top over it. I watched as she put it aside.
"Is this all you needed? Why didn't you have someone else make it?"
"None of your business.." I mumbled and looked at the soup.
"Oh.. ok then.. well I'll clean up.." she looked away and started the dishes.
I watched her for a bit then left up to my room. I looked around but he hadn't returned to my room. There was no sign of him returning either..
I read a few pages of my book, but I couldn't sit still.
I have a churning in my chest, reading was not calming at all. I was worried, restless. God Damnit.
My mother trusts the princess, but he has no reason to be with her for so long. I tried trusting my mothers words, and how much she's talked to the princess already, but this feeling is eating at me.
I practically ran downstairs and looked at the recovery headquarters, the guest department, the library, laundry room, the kitchen just in case. And they were no where. I hate this feeling, panicky..
What if something happened to him again. It'd be my fault for waiting so long.

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