Chapter Thirty-Nine: Katniss Kiyama

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Recap: Kacchan laid me back down and pulled the thin sheet over me. "Rest for now. Tomorrow we can talk more, you'll be eating three meals a day. And no need to worry for your heat, Chiyo has suppressants for you."

I nodded a bit and looked up at the ceiling. I can get more sleep..

I closed my eyes before easily falling into a dreamless sleep.

I truly am, such a worthless servant.

Our few days together passed quickly; now a new princess will stay with us, Katniss Kiyama, a gorgeous princess with vitiligo. She's half elf and is known for enchanting items, from what I've heard about her, she sounds really talented and down to the ground. But you can never really judge a person before you meet them; and we'll be meeting her for lunch, and then she'll move into Kacchans room.

It was just about lunch time and I had finished getting Kacchan and myself ready to go downstairs. I was going to make lunch today, but Kacchan told me not to and that I can sit and eat with the rest of the Royals.

Lately, Kacchan doesn't have me do a lot of work anymore but I still do the bare minimum: Laundry, breakfast, bathroom, his bedroom, and sometimes dinner.
He has me make his breakfast five out of seven times a week, the two days I don't, he allows me to sleep in; which I appreciate wholeheartedly.

Before we left to the dining room I began to straighten up his room and bathroom so they were presentable for the princess.

I can't really tell if I'm all that excited to meet her, I'm not nervous or anything, but a lot of these princesses create issues, and if not that, then they're just really quiet and boring. But the drama that comes with them, I can't help but think I'm the root of it. Like, I'm the problem, because Kacchan doesn't really do anything, he just exists and says really idiotic things sometimes, but if nothing irritates him or causes him to say dumb stuff, then he literally just reads, eats, and sleeps. Nothing more to it. And that's why I think maybe I'm the problem, they look at me and probably think I'm a bug with no thought process, easy to squish. Or maybe I'm just in the way. I mean, I can't do anything about it except suck it up. Besides I doesn't bother me to much, I just don't know how to feel with taking care of another princess. Not that I even had a choice to say yes or no, but still.

"Deku It's clean enough, let's go eat already." He sighed before getting up off his bed and walking to the door. I glanced up at him and set the rag neatly to the side. "But.. But what if she doesn't think so.." I mumbled stepping out of the bathroom. "What are you talking about? She's not going to stay here anyways. If she doesn't like it, she'll have to get over it, besides, I think it looks fine. Isn't that enough?" He glanced at me opening the door. "So? Let's go."
I nodded quickly and then washed my hands as he started walking to the dining room. I quickly followed after him once I finished. I could tell he was walking slower so I could catch up. Kacchan has changed, a lot since when I first met him, now he has his moments. And a lot of them, but despite what he's done, his entire being has improved overall. Well not the way he looks. But he looks fine in my eyes.

I looked down walking behind him, everything is so simple now because of him. I exhaled and looked forwards, there's so many stairs just to get downstairs, it's a good workout, a traumatized area, but a good work out. I looked back down watching the back of kacchans legs but then he stopped and turned around. I looked up at him and froze "hm?.. you ok?.." I mumbled.
He huffed and continued his way  down. He is sometimes strange.

Just before we enter red the dining room Kacchan turned to me and took his cape off then placed it around my shoulders. "Why?" I asked.
"Shut up." He ruffled my hair then turned around.

We entered the dining room where the plates of food had already been set. Kacchan made sure I got a plate, and a chair moved next to his seat so I could join them for lunch, and sometimes dinner.

We waited for quite sometime until the princess walked in along side the Queen. The princess really is beautiful. Her hair is like a perfect... fluff? The shape of it is rather unique, but it's beautiful, as well as the color. I want to say it's auburn, like light brown. Her eyes are reflective, and I mean, they're such a gorgeous color, they shine, like gold. Not only that, but her vitiligo makes her so much more beautiful. I hate to put it this way, but how could I ever compete with someone so.. perfect. I envy her beauty.

I watched as she greeted Kacchan, her smile more gentle than a soft breeze against grass.
I look at Kacchan after, he's so non-chalant. There is definitely not a thought going on in his head.

We began eating, the princess mostly talked to the queen, she didn't really try making conversation with Kacchan, or I. I hope she is as sweet now as she is when the royals aren't around.
It is surprising though, how well her and the queen get along. Anytime the princess looked away the queen gave looks toward Kacchan. But when he noticed he'd just look at me.

The queen really likes her.. I can only assume what that means.

After lunch finished Kacchan stood and nudged my shoulder letting me know that he was ready to leave. I stood and looked towards the princess who stood as well.

"Well, Lady Kiyama, this is where we will part for now. I'm excited for you to start joining us for meals this next week." The queen tilted her head down to the princess then took her leave.
The princess acknowledged and exhaled a giggle. The queen and her are rather fond of each other.

"Deku. Let's go." Kacchan mumbled as he left immediately. I saw the princess looked rather dumbfounded as her eyes followed Kacchan. "Hm.." she hummed.

I turned to her, I hope I look as presentable as I feel. "I can show you to his room."
"That would be lovely" she smiled gently with a giggle.
I was taken aback for a second but nodded a bit. We walked up the vast amount of stairs before we approached kacchans room. "Have you toured the castle yet maam?" I asked beginning to open the door for her.
"You can address me at Katniss, I don't mind. And no I have not. Would you show me around?"
"Oh, y-yes I can show you around. Uhm.. L-Lady katniss"
"Hun, just katniss is fine. Also, what's your name?"
Her voice was as soft as flower petals...
"Uhm.. I-Izuku.."
"That's a beautiful name. Well I'm excited for you to show me around the castle later, Izuku." She smiled and entered kacchans room where she looked around.

"Oh wow, there's quite a collection books here." She turned to me. "Do you like books Izuku?"
"M-me?" I closed the door behind me. "Uhm.. I don't really know. I don't really r-read to often. I-I mean.. I used to hang out in the library here, but there wasn't a whole lot I could read.."
I ramble too much.. Ithink I did too much.. so embarrassing
"I see" she looked at Kacchan who was ignoring anything and everything around him, reading a book. "Do you like books L- K-Katniss?"
"Oh, I love books! The art of the fictional world is just so beautiful."
She walked over to the mound of books and looked through them. She picked one up and smiled, it was blinding to say in the least. "Oh! This one was my most favored book to read. 'Down in the Lost Treasured caves.' A book of mythical creatures, journeys, and above all friends that were always reliable."
She opened it to a random page and began scanning the words. I glanced at Kacchan whose attention had been struck as he stared at Ms Katniss.
I don't like the way he looked at her, but who am I to think that right now..

She set the book down and turned to me. "So Izuku? Mind showing me around now?"

"Oh, of course."
"Be quick." Kacchan mumbled giving me a side eye.
I nodded once and opened his door as Ms Katniss passed through.

I do believe she is someone perfect for Kacchan.

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