Chapter TwentyOne: Off day

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Recap: He sighed and walked over kneeling to me. "Mh-",

"Are you tired?", he stared at me.

I looked away and down. "Yeah a little...", I whispered.

"Go make me breakfast then you can sleep until lunch.", he stood. "And start me a bath.", he walked over to his bed and laid down.

I nodded and stood.

I started him a warm bath and got a towel ready for him. I waited for the tub to fill before I went down to the kitchen to make him breakfast. "Is there anything specific you want sir?", I glanced out the door.

"Bacon. Over medium eggs. Avocado sliced on the side. Toast.", he mumbled reading.

I sighed and nodded.

I turned the water off and walked out. "Your bath is ready.", I said walking out the door and down the stairs making my way to the kitchen.

I started by cooking the bacon. The popping and sizzle sound is satisfying until it pops against your skin.

As I finished I put the bacon on the side and fried the eggs in the bacon grease.

I sighed and tried to hold the pan steady with my left hand while I flipped the egg. As difficult as it seemed I did it.

I placed two eggs on a plate then put two pieces of bread on the pan so they can soak up the bacon grease and toast itself in that.

While the bread toasted I carefully cut an avocado and diced it.

Eventually I placed the toast upon the plate and moved the eggs upon each slice. I sighed and walked up the stairs to his room.

Honestly, being a servant- maid or whatever sucks.. I'd rather be a poor, starving, homeless person in the streets. Being pushed around and told what to do isn't fun.

I entered his room then walked to the bathroom to see him relaxing in the tub. "S-sir. Your food is going to be on the counter. Ok?",

"Yeah, yeah. Come here.", he demanded. I jumped a bit and walked over. "Y-yes sir?",

He rolled his eyes and reached up grabbing my arm. "S-Sir! Y-you're all wet!", I exclaimed as he grinned and pulled me in. "So are you. So what's the difference?",

I whined. "That's not fair!!", I tried standing and slipped falling against his chest, "Nhg-", I glanced at him as my eyes widen. "I-I'm Sorry.", I stood and quickly got out.

I watched at he laughed. "Are all omegas so anxious? Hm?",

I shrugged and grabbed a towel a wrapping myself in it then sat on the ground. "That was mean.", I mumbled.

"It was funny.", he smiled.

I shook my head. "I'm all cold and wet now",

"Awww are you dying now?", he teased.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "You gotta get me new clothes",

"Just wait for those to dry. Besides. I'm not the servant. Am I?",

I shook my head. "N-no sir",

He chuckled, "Hand me my food.", he demanded a bit.

I nodded and handed him his plate as he ate.

I quickly left his room and changed into some dry clothes, after I walked back in I glanced into the bathroom as he was still.. doing whatever he's doing. I laid down in my little resting area and stared at the ceiling as I yawned.
A new princess comes soon.. that's..

I.. wonder if he'll choose anyone.. he's too stubborn for marriage though...way too stubborn.

I glance at the bathroom as the prince walks out ass naked.

No decency!

I turn away and tuck my head down. I didn't need to see that.. "you had clothes on the counter you know..", I mumbled.

"Did I? I didn't care to look.", he grumbled and walked back into the bathroom.

This man...

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