Chapter Twenty-Four: Kacchan

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Recap: I nodded and took the plate. "Thankyou sir..",

"You need to change that.. stop calling me 'your highness' or 'sir'",
"Uhm.. bakugo...?",
"Doesn't sound right..", he grumbled.
"Uhm.. How is your first name written?..",
"Huh?-", he paused and grabbed a paper and ink pen from his bed side table writing it down, he then showed me after.


I stare at it, "uh.. Kacchan?-",
"Where'd you get 'Kacchan' from?!",
I flinched and looked at it again. "Th-that's what I-it says...?",
"No it-",
"Can you write it in k-katakana?..", I mumbled.
He grumbled and wrote his name in katakana showing me.


"Ah... oh.. Katsuki...",
"You knew my name whyd you want me to write it?",
"I-I forgot..", I mumbled looking at him.
He rolled his eyes.
"So I call you Katsuki...?",
"No... just...-",
"I-I can call you Kacchan!!", I smiled.
"Wha- why-", he got flustered then relaxed without fighting back. I could tell he didn't mind it much... and even if it was a mistake it sounds cute...
He sighed. "Fine... I don't really care..",
"Oki!", I laughed softly and looked at the strawberries and began eating them. I used to love this snack when I was younger... my favorite thing in the world...


A few days passed and the pri-and k-Kacchan and I sat in his room, he hasn't had me do much, but he's been almost taking care of me.. well telling me what to do in nicer.. ways..

He lets me use his shower, and he's been providing me better clothes too..

I do still clean his room, do his laundry, and make him food. But that's my job.

It is nearing the end of the day, and well, today he took me to this area, he said that it's where he would usually hang out before I became his servant. It's was covered in flowers, and surround tall green viney trees, it was beautiful. It was such a nice experience.. I got to leave the castle to go somewhere beautiful. Not only that, but with the prince.. which means a lot.

K-Kacchan and I, have been hanging out a lot together because we basically have free time with no princesses around to bother us. I mean they're nice and all, but I finally just get.. to spend time with the prince... it means a lot to me.. but I don't know about him.. he may think otherwise.

I'm downstairs making his dinner, something simple as usual. After I finish I walk up to his room and hand it to him, in which he starts eating, visually pleased. I sit on my palette and look down yawning.
I've been so tired lately.

Many minutes passed as Kacchan stands and walks to the door with his dishes. I stand quickly, "a-ah! Wh-what are doing!? I-I got it!", I panicked and walked over grabbing the dishes quickly.
"Huh? You looked tired, so I thought I'd help.", he grumbled.

"N-no it's ok. I'm not tired.", I looked at him and smiled then left walking down to the kitchen.

I heard him sigh as I left, but this is my job, and even if he's being nice now, he may just end up yelling at me about it later.

After cleaning the dishes I walked back up and grabbed his laundry walking back down doing my weekly chore. My body feels weaker than usual, and I'm a lot more tired too, I haven't even been working that hard the last few days.. although it is getting a bit late, I probably should've done laundry this morning.

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