Chapter Seven: The right Job

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Tenya nodded. "Well let's continue.", he sighed and left the kitchen and Izuku followed.

Next they walked over to the cleaning department, where they washed the dishes and clothes.
Tenya explained and told Izuku to wash the dishes. All of them. He sighed and washed them all. They shined, you could see your reflection on it as though it were a mirror. He finished up and folded all the clothes and sheets perfectly. Tenya watch as Izuku did better than his superiors.
The others watched. They were angry. They shooed him away, they didn't want Izuku taking their job. Next they traveled to the maid HeadQuarters. Tenya left him there for the next few hours.
The maids were nice and beautiful. The showed Izuku how to fix up and clean each room. But they thought they could use him and make him clean Prince Katsuki's room. He tried to deny, he didn't want to, but they pushed him up the stairs and to his large doors. "W-Wait! Don't le-..", They left. Izuku slowly opened the door using his body weight. He looked around at the mess. Luckily the prince wasn't here yet. Izuku started on the floor. It was covered in mud dirt and clothes. He picked up the clothes and put them in a basket, he swept the dirty floor, and mopped it clean to where it shined. He straightened up every shelf. He made his bed so neatly there were no folds in it at all. He walked to the bathroom and looked at the mess of trash, the counters were a mess, the bathtub was full of old water. The sink was dirtied. There were clothes everywhere. "Ugh... it's nasty in here...", Izuku started on the dirtied counters. He wiped them down and got rid of all the trash. Not only that but organized all the bottles. He then drained the dirtied water and cleaned the bathtub out. He cleaned the shower and the sinks. He swept the floor then mopped. He moved the laundry into the basket. He sighed and wipes the beads of sweat from his forehead against his forearm. "Wow..", he walked out and looked around. It was super clean. Izuku grabbed the basket of laundry and started to walk out where he was met by all the maids. "Your done?", they all chimed and Izuku nodded and left. They all peeked inside and their eyes widened to see the neatness. Again better done than they could have done. They looked at each other and shook their heads. "He'll take our jobs.", they nodded and left as Izuku walked to the laundry department. He hasn't been here but he knows how to fold clothes and do laundry. He entered and put the laundry down. He set up the washboard and started cleaning the clothes gently and throughly. The other watched as he had just waltzed in and done their jobs like it was nothing. "Hey.. you don't have to do that...",
"I know, but the supervisor told me that he needed to figure out what I should be good at so...", Izuku spoke in a busy voice.
"I'll go get him then..", Someone mumbled as they ran out. After a bit they ran back in with the supervisor, Tenya Iida. All the clothes were hung up, but the weren't dripping at all. The others had their eyes wide. "He made sure that there was nothing on them. And he still finished fast. Plus how did he get the princes laundry.", the other shrugged as Izuku left. "What's next Sir?..",
"You're very efficient. I like that.", Izuku nodded and looked down.
"Is something wrong?", He stared at the boy exaggerating his hand movements. "Uhm... No everything is fine.",
Tenya sighed. "Let's go to the Recovery department.",
Izuku nodded and so they went.
Meanwhile, Katsuki entered his unnaturally clean room. He looked around and saw that the dirt was mopped his clothes were picked up. He didn't mind the clean room. But he was pissed someone was in his room. He thought he made it clear no one was to enter his room.
He stormed out and towards the maid head quarters, "Maids!!", the angered teen yelled. They all jumped ready to blame the green haired boy. They backed away from the door that had been swung open. "Who went into my room?!", he yelled.
The maids looked around then one spoke up. "He was super short with green curls of hair... the supervisor is helping find out which department he fits into best your highness.", she bowed down then stood up straight. Prince Katsuki 'Tched', "So he went and cleaned my room?!", he growled at them. "You should have warned him not to enter my room!!", he turned on heel and walked the halls searching for the green haired boy. Katsuki couldn't explain how pissed he was. Not that his room was clean. He didn't mind that part. But a lowlife of a maid had entered it.
As he stormed through the halls and caught a glimpse of the green curls who was in the recovery department. He watched a little seeing how he fumbled with the bandages and dropped the boxes of medications. He 'tched' and opened the door all the way. "Can I see the freckled lowlife right here.", he pointed at Izuku.
"Why did he do something wrong Katsuki?", Chiyo asked.
"In fact he did. And I'm very pissed about it.",
Izuku trembled at the sight of him. Already terrified of what he would and can do to him.
Izuku bowed then nodded walking out.
"Sire their must be a mistake. He hasn't done anything wrong.", The supervisor attempted into protecting the small child.
"You're the supervisor. You should know exactly what he did wrong.", he grabbed Izuku by the shoulder and dragged him down the hall.
"Ugh... Ngh..! Th-that hurts!... please! Your highness!", Izuku whined as the pain in his shoulder increase as Katsuki gripped harder. "Shut up lowlife!", he gripped harder the threw the boy at the wall. "Didn't the maids tell you my room was off limits?",
"Ugh! Ngh...!", Izuku curled up and shook his head. "N-no sir..", he coughed.
"No?", Katsuki growled.
"I-I..", he coughed and moves to his knees bowing down to the superior. "Answer now!", he lifted his leg and threw it down right by the omegas head. The omega yelped and trembled more keeping his head down. "Y-your highness... I entered there department in hope th-that they'd just give m-me a g...guest room. But they pushed me to y-your room saying goodluck... I-I had a feeling you wouldn't like it... so I.. I-I made sure it was extra clean... I-I'm so very sorry that I entered your personal space and it was wr-wrong of me...! Y-you...", Izuku rambled nervously and terrified but Izuku May have been royalty before. But he doesn't know how your supposed to treat maids and servants. So he doesn't know how to act like one or what this royal family does to their maid and servants. "Y-you can hit me a-again... like you did earlier... I-I... I understand", Izuku sat up and put his hands in his lap. Katsuki just stared at him. "Ugh....", he groaned. "Damn. Out of all my years I've never seen a servant like you In this kingdom. Your fucking annoying.",
"I'm sorry your highness..",
Katsuki 'tched' and left.
Izuku sat there dumbfounded.
"No entering my room ever again. Or I'll fucking kill you.", yelled the fifteen year old superior.
Izuku sighed and stood slowly. "I hate this...", he mumbled walking back to the nurses headquarters. "Spoiled brat....", Izuku entered and looks at Chiyo and Tenya. "He just yelled at me... everything is ok...", Izuku gave a weak smile then looked down, in-spite of his smile. It was clearly fake. 'Maybe if he knew I was a royal at one point... he'd treat me differently... or maybe not...', Izuku thought to himself. "Sir.. I'm feeling a bit tired from today can I go rest?",
Tenya sighed. "Yeah. But Tomorrow I will assign you a special department that you will work in.",
Izuku nodded and left with a bow. He walked back to his small room and closed the door. The room was a mess.

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