Chaper Fourty: Katniss Kiyama (2)

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Recap: "Have you toured the castle yet maam?" I asked beginning to open the door for her.
"You can address me at Katniss, I don't mind. And no I have not. Would you show me around?"
"Oh, y-yes I can show you around. Uhm.. L-Lady katniss"
"Hun, just katniss is fine. Also, what's your name?"
Her voice was as soft as flower petals...
"Uhm.. I-Izuku.."
"That's a beautiful name. Well I'm excited for you to show me around the castle later, Izuku." She smiled and entered kacchans room where she looked around.

"Oh wow, there's quite a collection books here." She turned to me. "Do you like books Izuku?"
"M-me?" I closed the door behind me. "Uhm.. I don't really know. I don't really r-read to often. I-I mean.. I used to hang out in the library here, but there wasn't a whole lot I could read.."
I ramble too much.. Ithink I did too much.. so embarrassing
"I see" she looked at Kacchan who was ignoring anything and everything around him, reading a book. "Do you like books L- K-Katniss?"
"Oh, I love books! The art of the fictional world is just so beautiful."
She walked over to the mound of books and looked through them. She picked one up and smiled, it was blinding to say in the least. "Oh! This one was my most favored book to read. 'Down in the Lost Treasured caves.' A book of mythical creatures, journeys, and above all friends that were always reliable."
She opened it to a random page and began scanning the words. I glanced at Kacchan whose attention had been struck as he stared at Ms Katniss.
I don't like the way he looked at her, but who am I to think that right now..

She set the book down and turned to me. "So Izuku? Mind showing me around now?"

"Oh, of course."
"Be quick." Kacchan mumbled giving me a side eye.
I nodded once and opened his door as Ms Katniss passed through.

I do believe she is someone perfect for Kacchan.

Before Lady Katniss left she had grabbed a book, she held it by her side as we walked around and I showed her a round about of the castle. The guest rooms, the recovery area, the den, kitchen, the library, pretty much everything I felt comfortable showing her. I showed her the garden with all the natural foods, and then my most favored place. The flower garden. I watched as her golden eyes lit up as she saw all the beautiful flowers. "Wow.." she muttered.
"Isn't it beautiful?" I smiled as she nodded and walked over to the lilies. She sat in the soft green grass and fiddled with the tulips before patting the grass beside her. "Come sit."
"Are you sure?" I was hesitant. I wasn't sure if I should drop all my formalities. I do feel very comfortable around her. But I'm unsure if I should give in.
"Of course, we have time Izuku, we can just hang out." She giggled and relaxed opening the book.

It wasn't a very big book, it looked like something you'd read just for fun with a little free time to spare.
I exhaled and walked over, I sat by her but kept some distance.
"This was my favorite book to read growing up. My parents would often read it to me. 'Princess and the pea'."
I nodded unsure of how to respond, but without a second thought she began to read it out loud. I felt everything in me relax. She was the nicest princess. I could hardly fathom that she existed. Kacchan will be so truly lucky to have her by his side.

The sun began to set, and she finished her book, we definitely missed dinner, but she didn't appear to care.
"Izuku, how would you describe the Prince?"
"Me?- uhm.. I-.. hm.. he's stubborn, and does everything his way.. he doesn't really care what others think, and it's a task to get to know him." I realized I was too honest and panicked. "B-But! Uhm..! He's really not that bad. He's nice in his own way once you get to know him.."
He's nice to me, but he acts all tough around others..
"I see, no need to panic."
She sighed and laid back against the grass. "He's pretty lucky to have a servant like you to himself."
"What do you mean?.." I asked. I mean, what could make Kacchan so lucky to have me.. I feel so worthless all the time..
"Well, you're quite adorable.. you're kind, and you have a soft soul, I can tell. I'm sure you forgive easy too. And your patient. You're polite and have many great qualities."
"O-oh.. uhm.." I blushed nervously and looked away. "I-don't.. I don't know about all that.. but.. Thankyou?.."

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