Chapter Thirty-Two: Pretend

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Recap: It'd be a 0.0001 chance that this type of incident would happen again. But I'm grateful nothings broken, just bruised. So in a couple days I can start working again. The more I work the more I get to interact with Kacchan, but when I don't work he's always doing other things, so working has its perks. And plus I don't mind it either.

"Hey.. Kacchan?..",

I watched as he was getting ready for the day. The princess was supposedly coming, but I had a question.

"So.. Whyre.. I thought we'd get a couple week break between princess stays. So why.. are we only getting a 36 hour break in between now.", I mumbled sitting up a bit.
"Lay your ass back down! And because. I know I won't like any of the princesses. And I'm not choosing any of them. So I'd rather get it over with quickly.",
"Oh.. well there's one prince too.", I mumbled.
"Right. I forgot about that.", he sighed.

"Do you prefer princes over princesses?",
"I don't really care. All these princesses are annoying, or just bitches. And I've never spoken with an omega prince before. Well..", he glanced at me. "Yeah.",

That's right... I told him.. he doesn't care though. And I'm glad he doesn't. Because he won't tell anyone about it. And I can keep living like this, by Kacchan. If.. I were to go back.. if..

I probably.. wouldn't be able to see Kacchan anymore..

"Anyways. I'll be back, with food for you.",
I nodded as he left.

Im injured which renders me useless. He should have taken the two week break before having another come so I could at least heal a bit. I couldn't do anything with Rira Gurotz, and now I'll be useless to this one. And I'd prefer if these princesses not think of me as useless. I don't want to be looked down on or judged.

And why does Kacchan want me in his room, I should be in the recovery headquarters. The princess may be displeased with a servant in a royal bed, unless she's understanding.. and nice.. but it's still weird..

I sighed as Kacchan entered the room again with food.
He set it on the bedside table and slowly sat me up.
"H-hey.. I can sit myself up... I'm not sick or anything",
"But your hip..", he mumbled.
"I'm fine, don't worry.",
"I'm not fucking worrying nerd.", he handed me a plate and sat beside me.
"Sure", i giggled and looked at my plate.
The chefs don't make very nice looking plates..
"Something wrong?",
"Huh? Oh no..!",
"Then eat.",

"Oh.. right..", I mumbled picking at my food.
But if.. but my heat will start as soon as my bodies healthy again.. the kingdom should have suppressants, I hope.

Well they should, they have a bunch of female omega maids, and servants.
I'll have to talk ms Chiyo. Or I can have Kacchan ask.

I looked at him as he glanced at me, why does he always look so angry.. there's no reason..
"Can you check if ms Chiyo has heat suppressants?..", I mumbled.
"Why? Being in heat is natural, no?-",
"W-well.. I-it is- b-but I've never been in heat... and.. I'm you're servant.. so I should be able to work.",
"But why're you thinking about that now?",
"Because... w-well.. yo-you're making me eat.. and rest much more.. s-so I think- m-my body after this next week... w-will be healthier than normal, so..",
"Being in heat is normal. What's not normal, is you being almost sixteen and have yet to start it. I'll get you heat suppressants. So just eat.",
I nodded and looked at the food picking at it. "Eat already! Stop picking at it!",

I flinched looking away. "I-I'm sorry..",
He doesn't need to yell..

Kacchan stood quickly leaving the room. He left me alone.. but.. I don't enjoy being alone. I hate it.. whys he always leaving me alone now..

I sighed and waited a few minutes before realizing he wasn't coming back. I looked at the food he gave me and began eating, although I hadn't been hungry, I did finish it.

Maybe it I can prove to Kacchan I can stand, he won't make me rest anymore.. maybe.. just maybe.

I moved the plate to the bedside table. First I have to prove to myself I can stand. I don't feel sore right now, nor am I in pain..

I sit up straight slowly turning towards the edge of the bed.
See no issue. It's as if I'm all better..

I wrap Kacchans cape around myself tightly, I'm still nude he has yet to get me clothes...

Technically, since my hip is back in place, I should be able to move. Nothing should be of issue. So why is Kacchan so strict. Everything should be perfectly fine.

I slowly stand without much issue. This is enough proof for me. I'm not useless. Kacchan doesn't need to worry. I can work for him and the princess just fine. No issue at all.

I slowly limp to the bathroom looking in the mirror. Maybe it hurts a little.. I can't actually walk normally... pressure against my hip hurts a bit.. but I'm still fine! I can still work..

I move the cape and look at my hip, it's bruised black and blue... purple.. yellow.. looks gross.. it's a big bruise.. whys it so large..

I gently put a little weight on it. I stop as soon as I feel pain rush in waves throughout my hip and to my waist and thigh. That was a poor idea.

Me standing is a poor idea.. if Kacchan were to walk in, he'd be super angry..

I slowly begin to limp back to the bed, that was before my hip made a loud pop and I collapsed to the floor. The pain felt dull. It hurt a lot, but then again.. it didn't hurt at all.

I did try standing again. But I'm unable to move my leg- I can't move my leg- if Kacchan comes in he'll be so angry.. ms Chiyo will be even more angry!

What was I thinking- what was I thinking- what am I doing?!
I can't move my leg- is it out of socket again?- if ms Chiyo or Kacchan find out I'm done for.

I can't tell, I can't tell, it just feels hot. I can't feel it- I can't move it!

I panic, slowly crawling towards the bed pulling my self up. I use my left leg to help push myself up, although that was more excruciating than my right hip popping. I feel more pain in my left leg that in my right- how does that work- how-

I'm done for..

I pull the covers over myself. I lay down looking at the doors.
Just- I just have to pretend I didn't do anything. I can't prove to Kacchan anything- I didn't even get to prove to myself that I could be useful.. that idea was so dumb.. what was I thinking..

Just pretend. Just pretend and everything will be ok. Pretend

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