Chapter TwentyTwo: Lilith Togami

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(Whatever information you gave me upon the character. I am not changing. Personality based, and look based. Remember the princesses I'm using are not my own, but my fellow friendly readers I love so much. I'm sorry for being gone for so long as well. Lots of things have been happening lately, but I'm trying to start posting again. I've been really slow with posting, I've been really lazy lately. And I've started school too. I play a lot of valorant and other gun related games, like siege and csgo.
If you have discord you can add me at KingChaos#3670 if you play valorant you can add me at KingChaos#8116. We can do voice calls too :))
I'm a friendly person with a short temper)

Recap: I shook my head. "N-no sir",

He chuckled, "Hand me my food.", he demanded a bit.

I nodded and handed him his plate as he ate.

I quickly left his room and changed into some dry clothes, after I walked back in, I glanced into the bathroom as he was still.. doing whatever he's doing. I laid down in my little resting area and stared at the ceiling as I yawned.
A new princess comes soon.. that's..

I.. wonder if he'll choose anyone.. he's too stubborn for marriage though...way too stubborn.

I glance at the bathroom as the prince walks out ass naked.

No decency!

I turn away and tuck my head down. I didn't need to see that.. "you had clothes on the counter you know..", I mumbled.

"Did I? I didn't care to look.", he grumbled and walked back into the bathroom.

This man...

A few days passed as another princess, Lilith Togami, was now sharing a room with the prince..

I got up early, and got ready for the day, I glanced over at the sleeping prince, and the princess, she was awake though..

"Good morning.. you're h-highness..", I mumbled fixing my posture.

She looks at me with a smile. "Good morning. Do all of you servants wake up late? Or.. just you?..", she mumbled the last part, even though I still heard.

I furrowed my brows and bow to her. "I.. I'm sorry.. I can wake up.. earlier if you'd like..", I stand straight. "Is there something you'd like for this mornings meal?", I ask with a tilted head.

She placed her book down and shrugged. "Hmm... let's see.. vegetable filled omelet... sounds wonderful.",

I nodded and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.
I made what was requested, of course making the princes spicier.
I yawn as I finish the plates and walk back up with the platter containing two plates.

I enter the room and set the platter down. I hand the princess her plate then look at the prince.

"Will you not wake him?", she asked.
"I... I kinda just wait for him to wake up on his own..", I mumbled..
"Excuse me? Is that how you speak to your superiors?", she growls.

I panic and step back bowing my head down. "Sorry your highness. I-I politely wait for the prince to wake up on his own, and once he does, he eats.", there's not much to it. I don't know how he'd react if he was woken up so early. Speaking of which I need to wake earlier.

I looked up as I heard the princess sigh, I stood straight as she began to speak. "I'm sorry for my tone.. please do not stress. Everything you're doing is fine..",

Shes.. sweet..

I nod and step back again sitting on my thin blanket palette. I stare upon the book covered wall while the princess eats.

Eventually the prince wakes up and looks at his food, he picks up the plate and gives a satisfying hum.

I stand and walk over the princes wardrobe picking out a fabric wear for him to dress in.

I place it in the bathroom as I start him a warm bath. I walk out and keep my hands to my sides and give a slight bow. "You have a bath ready and new wear for today.",

He nodded and finished his food standing up. "Hm. As it should be.", he mumbled walking to the bathroom.

I furrowed my brows confused as I grabbed the plates and walked out.

As what.. should be?.. maybe..

He said that for the princess to hear- hes.. he's actually trying to have her like him.. is that it...
definitely is.. hopefully she gives him a chance.. that is.. if he continues to try.. she has yet to learn of his temper.. and attitude..

A few hours passed as I was about to leave to make lunch, that was until the princess stopped me.. "Can I accompany you?", she asked as I nodded in response.

That's an of request for a royal..

"Of course your highness.", I mumbled and walked out and downstairs as she followed behind.

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