Chapter Ten: The New Girl

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So, I took advantage of no one really caring for me, I stayed in the room I was given, and I only left to use the bathroom, and if someone needed me, which wasn't often.

But after sometime, someone moved into the room next to mine. She's a beta, I'm supposed to get her to be my friend.. that's what Tenya Iida said, but what if she doesn't like me either. She was put in the kitchen department, although she's a beta, but it's really not any of my business... Apparently she makes good food, but the other chefs don't think so, but they like her, I guess she gets along with others. I'll probably say hi tonight.

Days passed on so slowly, the room I stay in is so plain and boring... but as soon as the day passed was as soon as I got up and left my room, and I knocked on the girls door next to mine. I don't know much about her but I hear some other maids or servants talking about her outside my door. Or sometimes about me.. I hate that the most..

After a few minutes the door opened, a girl that was slightly shorter than me, with short brown hair, pale skin, and lightly dusted pick cheeks looked at me. She then smiled. "Hello!", she giggled some.

"Ah- Hello.. I just wanted to say Hi... because your new.. and so am I... Kinda..", I mumbled a rambled mess.

She stared at me then giggled again. "Well I'm Ochako Uraraka! And I'm a beta working in the Kitchen department!", she held a hand out for me to shake.

"I-Oh... I'm Izuku... I'm an om- Beta as well working in the cleaning department... I'm a maid..", I mumbled shaking her hand.

"Oh really? I didn't see you when looking around— Izuk— You're that beta that everyone hates!! They talk so much trash about you and I've only been here a day!!",

I flinched at he response. People really do hate me.. "W-Well...", I pulled my hand away. "I didn't actually do anything wrong.... I don't know why they hate me..",

"All I've heard is that you're a show off and a job stealer.. and annoying... you smell funny.. I don't think so though...! And... Maybe their just jealous!!", she smiled.

"Oh.. well maybe", I shrugged looking away. "It's late... it was nice meeting you Uraraka-san..", I stepped back and began walking back to my room. She seem a little too happy, but that's ok, I used to be the same. She's friendly and easy to talk to..

"O-Oh.. Well bye then!! Let's talk again another time!", she chimed and closed her door with a giggle.

After that encounter I'd stay hi to her everyone night, at some point we'd hang out for a few minutes and talk, then I sit inside her room and we might talk for hours. She loved talking about her family, her village, and the things she loved. She also liked talking about her past, as I did not, I didn't tell her much about myself, but I enjoyed listening to her talk, and talk, and talk. This went on for over a year and a half, remember when I said that they pick professionals. They postponed it for another year so they could prepare. But now there's about a month left until they pick. Lately the Queen has been sick, and the king has been out making treaties and alliances with other kingdoms. And I have a feeling they'll have to postpone again. So I learned that Tenya Iida, he'll go around and pick a few people from every group, apparently he gives a report and every individual person and gives it to the queen... this kingdom is complicated. But other than that. Me and Uraraka have become good friends. She doesn't know much about me. But she doesn't care because she hasn't asked. Or maybe she hasn't thought about it.

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