Chapter Fifteen: Its Ruined

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Recap: The window once holding me back shattered. The prince hasn't noticed. The only thing behind me is a 50 foot drop and glass shards.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry I won't do it again! I didn't mean to upset you! Please stop!", I pleaded because one more hit and I'll fall.
"You think sorry will fucking make your grimy hand prints
disappear off that cape! Huh?!", he kicked me in the stomach.

I'm not sitting in the window ceil anymore...

Before he kicked me, I was able to turn my body just enough to grab upon the ledge with my left hand. The staggered glass shard impaling my hand. I screamed as the pain shot up into my palm and down into my arm towards my shoulder.

I glanced at the prince quickly releasing distressed pheromones.

Not only did he realize I was an omega, he also realized what he had done.

I tried to keep my grip onto the ledge. The prince is just staring at me. He's not angry... he looks disappointed.

I attempted to pull myself self up. The glass that had impale my hand broke off. I screamed again as the pain worsened. I glanced down and the gardeners were standing below me... they looked terrified. I glanced up at the prince. "H-elp", I croaked as tears spilled from my eyes.

"Your life isn't important... You're nothing more than a measly maid. You're worthless. There's more of you.", he mumbled before walking away and out of his room.

"No! No! Please h-help! I-I'm going to die! I-I don't want to die! Not yet! Not yet! help me!", I pleaded as loud as I could. But he ignored.

I began to plead louder. "I'm sorry!! Don't leave me! Help! I don't want to die yet! You stupid spoiled royal!! H-help!",
My hand slipped as the shard dug deeper into my hand. More tears fell as I tried to pull my self up.

I threw my right hand up and gripped, pulling myself up. The pain in my left arm unbearable, the was until I lost feeling in it.

I swung a leg up and pulled myself into the room. I rolled onto the floor and laid there.

I glanced at my hand as blood spilled.

I noticed as my vision became black. And my mind go blank. I was out like a light.

I opened my eyes a bit, I was barely conscious, I heard talking.

"His hand-.. ruined..- hard.. to use-.. nothing-.. I-.. could do..-",
That's all I heard before blacking out again.

Unfortunately days passed before I woke up again.

I looked around the room. The nurse headquarters.

"Oh you're awake!", Chiyo shouted.
I flinched and looked at her then down. "Prince Katsuki told me what happened.. but the gardeners brought you here a few days ago..",
I nodded softly.
"Prince Katsuki wanted to see you as soon as you woke up. So, he's in his room.",
I nodded and sat up, I looked at my left hand and there were a bunch of stitches.
"Don't over work you hand sweet heart. Your left hand won't ever be the same ok? You should be able to move it still but from what I can tell. Your nerves.. in your hand are ruined.. I tried to fix it but there was nothing I could have done",
I nodded and stood.
"I-I'll be on my way..", I mumbled before walking out and towards the stairs.

I barely remember what even happened... I glance at my hand again and try and move my fingers. It feels tingly.. like ants crawling all over it... and.. it's really hard to move my fingers.. like I have no control over my hand...

My left eye, and left hand are ruined... how fun... how am I supposed to wo- I'll get thrown into the dungeon-

Before I know it I'm infront of the princes door. I don't want to enter..

I slowly push open the door to find the prince looking down as he stayed seated on his bed. I looked around the room and the window was fixed.

I closed to door and looked at him as he looked up. He stood abruptly. I backed up and fell scooting back towards the door. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry!... I.. I'm sorry I lived! I'm sorry!!", I shouted tucking my head down closing my eyes.

He kneeled to me and grabbed my hand. "Open and close your hand..", he mumbled.

I tried, but I was I was only able to bend my finger tips just a little.
"I-I can't...", I whispered.
He sighed and stood.
"You'll still work as my servant. But find a way to make use of that hand. Oh and you can sleep on that. Take a few resting days.", he pointed towards a small pallet next to his bed. It was made by a few blankets and there was a pillow. He cared enough to make me a pallet..

He walked over to his bed and sat down picking up a book and began to read. I sighed and stood slowly and walked over to the pallet and laid down.

It weird.. I can't really remember anything.. I remember screaming.. and yelling for help... and rolling on the floor.. but this incident is just fuzzy in my head...

"The event is today..", he mumbled. "It's starting soon."
I nodded and closed my eyes.
"And tomorrow I have to pick a bride..",
I nodded. "That's what princes do sir...",
"servant. What's your name?",
"Izuku Huh?.. It sounds familiar... Your maiden name?", he asked again.
"Ah-", if I told him he'd know...
"It doesn't matter..",
"Tell me.",
"Please it's really not important.", I replied.
"Well maybe if I knew, you could go visit your parents. Every servant or maid here leaves twice a week to go see their family. You haven't left once.",
"Maybe because I don't want to see my family! Eh- I-I didn't mean to raise my voice.",
"I order you to tell me your maiden name. If you don't I'll throw you in the dungeon.", he threaten.
"Izuku Midoriya...", I mumbled and curled up tucking my head down.
"Midoriya? Like the Midoriya kingdom? You shouldn't lie to a royal you know."

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