Chapter Fifty-One: His Friends

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Recap: Are my senses dulling?.. how could Deku tell.
It was impressive.. I couldn't hear a thing. My ears feel stuffy but it didn't affect me hearing Dekus whispers.
I brush it off. I cant
dwell on it so much. We're almost there.
I pick up the pace, we have about another hour of walking. Deku matches my pace not letting an inch of space between us.

Katsuki's Pov
The amount of trees started decreasing as the area began to open up. Eventually, we hit a large open empty plain, surrounded by a circle of trees.
This is different from before.. where's the cottage?
I furrow my brows and walk a couple feet forwar-
I fell backwards and looked at the space in front of me.
"A barrier..?" I mumbled.
Deku stepped forwards and put his hands against it. "Wooow..." he muttered taking a step back.
I stood slowly as the barrier dropped,
It revealed a large cottage and-

"Ka-k-kach- Dragon!!" Deku screamed backing towards the Forrest quickly.
"It's fine Dek-"
"No! That! Th-that's huge! Oh my-" he tripped over himself falling to his ass.
I looked back at him as his breathing became unstable, his pheromones out of control. "Fuck.." I muttered walking towards him grabbing his shoulders. "It's safe. He's a good dragon."

I glanced back as the dragon shifted into a friend of mine.
His name was Kirishima.
He ran over and looked at Deku helping him up.
"Wow you brought someone! How cool!!"
He's always so loud.
My head hurts..
I stepped away from Deku as he stared at the shitty hair bastard. "Y-you're.. you.. y-you're a dr-"
"Half dragon, pretty cool, huh!?"
Deku stayed silent giving a slight nod.
Since all this is new for him he might be overwhelmed.
"Let's go!" He laughed.
Shitty hair grabbed both our bags and the food basket and turned running inside the cottage. I grabbed Dekus hand gently and pulled him towards the cottage. The barrier went up as soon as we entered the premise.
"Kacchan... wh-what.. is this?.."
I looked at him. "My friends."
His eyes widened and he relaxed. "Then I'm excited to meet the type of people you like."
I nodded as we entered the cottage. "Ah!!! Bakugo it's been so long!!"
I call her raccoon eyes. But her name is Mina. She ran and hugged me, I let go of Dekus hand and pushed her off. "I suppose."
"Who's this!?" She smiled getting in Dekus face.
Deku stepped back and gave a nervous smile as he fidgeted with his hands.
"Izuku.." he mumbled barely audible.
"Well it's lovely to meet you!!"
God can she be any louder..
"Wheres dunce face?" I mumbled grabbing Dekus arm and pulled him closer to me.
"He's hunting for this weeks rations. He's been gone for a little while." I glanced at shitty hair who answered my question. "I put your guys things in the guest room upstairs."
I nodded and glanced at Deku who appeared amazed at the cottage. "It's nice huh?" Shitty hair approached Deku as he nodded. "Yeah.. uhm.." Deku looked at them. "How does the barrier work?"
"It's mine!" Raccoon eyes smiled. "I come from a witches bloodlin-" she looked at me. "I finally learned how to do the barrier right! And I can keep it up for as long as I want! Isn't that so cool!?"
I shrugged. "It's o-"
"It's- it's actually super cool.. It's really good defense!.. It's complete invisible from the outside and it blocks everything on the outside!"
I glanced at Deku, excitement and comfort beaming in his eyes.
"I know!!! And we can see everything from the inside!! It's so helpful and hardly takes any of my energy!!" Raccoon eyes shouted back.
"How long did it take to perfect?" Deku shook my hand off his arm and stepped towards her.
"A couple months. Kirishima is so big in his dragon form that he constantly breaks it! But I finally got it to where it's almost invincible! Plus it's super easy now!"
Deku giggled as Kirishima butted in. "Almost. I'm sure I can still break i-"
Mina punches his arm. "Don't!"
"Ok, ok!" He defensively put up his arms and stepped back then walked into the kitchen.
She giggled and put her hands on her hips. "I have to keep a look out for Kaminari, so you guys just get comfortable!" She smiled at us then walked upstairs.
I looked at Deku as he relaxed. I the looked down and exhaled pinching the bridge of my nose, my headache is growing worse..
He then looked at me. "Kacchan? You ok?"
I nodded, "I'm going to sit outside.." I mumbled and walked out the front door and sat in the grass.
I feel like shit.. my head is pounding. My hand and arm are throbbing, the bandages feel damp. And I'm cold..
I should eat.. I haven't eaten in a while.. But thinking of eating makes me nauseous right now.
I glance back at the front door as Deku walks out,
"I brought you some food.." he mumbled and set an apple, a sandwich and a water flask in front of me.
"You didnt have to.." I mumbled picking up the apple. I looked at it before taking a bite. I really don't think I want to eat right now, but I will for Deku..
"Kacchan.. are you ok?.." he whispered sitting next to me.
"Why do you keep asking that?" I glance at him taking another bite.
He furrowed his brows. "You.. you look pale, and flushed; like sick..- a-and I'm not trying to insult you.. I-I'm just worried.. you just don't look well.."
I sighed. "I feel fine, just tired. I stayed up all night, and this is my first time eating since before yesterday.." I mumbled finishing the apple then unwrapping the sandwich.
Deku nodded and laid back looking at the sky.

He can tell I feel like shit.. do I really look like shit too?.. embarrassing.. so embarrassing.
I stare at the grass below me eating the sandwich, it's kind of.. not that good.. but I haven't eaten in a while so might as well get something in my system.
I finish the sandwich and lay back closing my eyes. "I might sleep, I want to tell you that you'll be really safe in this area. Everyone here is sup-"
"BAKUGO!!" I look up at a yellow haired dunce face.
Holy shit he's so loud..
"We have to go hunting together!! With Kirishima too!! It's been way to long!!"
I stared at him, he was carrying a large woven sack, looks like with dead animals inside. "That's looks like a lot more than weekly rations." I mumbled closing my eyes.
He kicked my foot. "Not my fault Kirishima is a fat ass!"
"HEY!! I can't help it!!" Shitty hair screamed from inside the house.
"You could hear me?!" Kaminari quickly walked inside bickering with Kirishima.
God they're as annoying as always..
"They're funny.." Deku giggled covering his smile with his hand.
"They're all so lively, I would have never expected this is your crowd of people."
I glanced over at him. He had been staring at the sky. "They know you're a royal too?" He asked glancing at me then back at the sky.
"Yeah.. they don't think anything of it. It's nice. I usually come stay with them when I need a break, or when my mother is being too overwhelming with my duties. "
"But you haven't come here in a while.." I glanced at him then looked at the sky.
"Yeah.. because of you. It's nothing bad, just last time I came here you almost starved yourself to death.. so I just.. I thought I'd bring you with me when you were healthy enough."
"I'm sorry Kacchan.. I didn't mean to burden you.."
I shrugged. "Don't apologize."
I closed my eyes.

All of a sudden there was nothing but a quiet ring in my ear. Nothing but white noise behind it. The ringing got louder.
I glanced as Deku who looked at me.
Sound was muffled, it was like I was under water..
Is it because I'm tired?..
maybe I should sleep..
Before I closed my eyes Deku sat up quickly and grabbed a hold of my shoulders shaking me slightly aggravating my headache.
Maybe I should say something...
"I'm.. fine.. let me rest.."
I guess that's all I can muster up. I don't want him to worry..
I kept my eyes closed, my body felt heavier than a boulder. My head was pounding, my body felt cold, except my hand.
My right hand I know is hot to the touch, it's throbbing consistently, all the way to the middle of my forearm. I can hardly even move it, there's a slight tingle, the blood circulation probably being cut off from the bandages and swelling. I haven't changed the bandages recently. Would that cause a problem?.. my body feels like it's paralyzed..
I can't even open my eyes..
A short rest will do me some good..
Just a short one...
Everything went silent.
My consciousness slipped.

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