Chapter Two: Faulty

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"How could you Izuku? We're going to be attacked now", his mothers voice shook in terror.

"I-I didn't do anything...", tears spilled from his large glossy eyes, he back away as his father continuously stepped towards him. "You said you wouldn't tell a soul! We believed you Izuku!", his father grabbed the neck of his fine wear and pulled him up. "I never thought our son would be a liar!", his mother cried out.
"I didn't tell anyone! I haven't even left!", Izukus body trembled terrified. "You're lying again aren't you!", his father yelled at him and threw him into the thorned rose bushes. "You dare lie to your royalty!", he yelled again.

Izuku felt sharp pains throughout his entire body as thorns poked and stabbed and stuck into him, some even ripped his clothes and scratched the bare skin under. He yelped and screamed in pain, struggling inside the bush he had been engulfed in. He closed his eyes tight as they scratched at his pale face, most scratches just welted, but some bled. His father walked over and grabbed the neck of Izukus shirt again.
Izuku opened his eyes confused feeling his pained body, he was then yanked out of the bush, but in that exact moment, a few thorns had been launched and impaled into Izukus Left eye. He closed his eyes tight again and screamed a blood curling scream. The servants had heard and some even watched in terror unable to do anything. Blood seeped from his eye lid."Leave Izuku! We don't want to see our disappointment of an Omega.", his father growled.
"M-mommy..? Daddy..?", Izuku cried he slowly opened his right eye at his father, who then threw him back with force and Izuku hit the ground with a small thud. "Ugh-ck!!",
"You have no right to call us that!! You are not our son. You are now banished from our kingdom you worthless mutt!! Now leave!!",
Izuku struggled to stand for his body was absolutely covered in thorns. He stumbled over himself and ran from the gardens and into the open field behind the kingdom. He ran, and ran as much as he could until he collapsed. He laid in the open fields of grass, he panted excessively, the pain was unbearable for his small body. He closed his eye in hope he could sleep.

Little did King and Queen Midoriya know, that they made a terrible mistake. A mistake that could never be fixed.

The rest of the day was wasted. Izuku woke up in masses amounts of pain. The sun was just setting. He sat up and cried.
How could his family just leaving him like that?
Banish him from his home?
He didn't do anything wrong.

Izuku stood up slowly and wobbled a bit. He regained his balance painfully. He started walking, the glorious bright moon rose into the middle of the dark midnight sky. The moon Izuku so loved to watch shimmer, was now not interested at all, he was cold, his clothes were torn, thorns still stuck into his skin. His left eye felt like it was throbbing. His chest ached from the running and walking he was doing. He didn't know what to do or where to go.
He walked like so, for the rest of the night. Once morning came he sat back down in the field of grass, he laid down and drifted off, he woke up around the time of when he'd usually eat his lunch, his stomach growled, there was no food around. And he didn't want to eat grass.. so he stood and continued his journey. But the day passed, he was now walking in dirt. He panted heavily and sat on the hard dirty ground as night fell.

While Izuku continued his journey, King and Queen Midoriya ordered every knight in the kingdom to find Izuku.
Now didn't they just hate him? Yes. But let's track back.
After Izuku ran off. The Todoroki Royals arrived. The reason they were there? The Midoriyas forgot they set up a meeting with them. A truce for the coming up war. A binding.
After the meeting they waited all night to see if Izuku would come back. He didn't. Then morning came and he still wasn't there. Now guards are searching and he still hasn't been found.
This was the biggest mistake they have ever made. They abused their son and banished him from the kingdom and he didn't do anything wrong! Queen Midoriya cried and sobbed. Her emotions could not be contained. King Midoriya attempted to comfort her. But he knew it was all his fault. And the last real image he had of his son. Was him injured, crying, and bleeding. He couldn't get the image away from his head. He hurt his beloved son..

The lonely night passed. The knights continued to search but there still was no sign of little Izuku.

While they searched Izuku slept on the hard ground. Then lunch came around. He woke up and looked around. The thorns still pained him and his stomach felt twisted. He stood and lost his footing falling onto the hard ground.
He laid there having no clue on what to do. He figured if he kept walking he'd find a village, so he stood up again. And limped his way forward.
The sun began to set again and Izuku finally came across a village. A very small one, but it was quite nice. He walked along the road looking at all the cottages. He limped over to a tree and sat down. His stomach growled as it twisted. "Ngh...", tears filled his eyes, which pained his left one tremendously. "Ugh!", he covered his face and cried feeling the tears run down and over thorns launched into his skin. Crying hurt him so much. But he couldn't help it.
Soon enough he fell asleep. And morning arose.
He slowly opened his eye, and children big and small surrounded him as well as some adults that looked disgusted in the dirt covered omega.
"Ah...", he immediately caught the adults glance and he stood quickly but then stumbled over himself and hit the ground, "Ugh..! Ngh...", his voice cracked and he started to cry again. He picked himself up slowly and looked at the children, they were all taller than him. One came up to him and handed him a little bit of bread, and along with it, cheese. Izuku smiled, "f-for me?..", he looked at the taller kid. "Mhm..", he nodded. He was about to give Izuku the bread and cheese but an adult pulled him back. "No! He's clearly wearing royals wear! He's an ungrateful brat who ran away! Don't give him food!!", The adult yelled.
"Run along you mutt! You're not welcome here!", another yelled.
Izukus eyes filled with tears again as his smile faded. He started to run as he continuously stumbled over himself.
The nice boy look at his parent, "Mama, he was crying and bleeding.. he needed help..",
"I don't give a rats ass if that royal bitch needed help or not. You're too nice for your own good son.", she turned on her heel and walked away. But the boy ran after Izuku as quick as he could. He ended up ways away from the village into a dirt filled area. He looked around and saw Izuku laying down. He walked over and sat by him. "Hello...",
Izuku glances up. "Ehh... wh-why did you follow me..?", Izuku cried out softly.
"Because you need food...", The nice boy handed Izuku the bread and cheese.
Izuku had sat up and took it carefully, he looked at the boy and smiled. "Thankyou..", Izuku began to eat, he ate it slowly savoring the taste. It wasn't as good as the food he had back home. But it'll do.
"Why are you all alone and covered in thorns?", the boy asked.
"They thought I did something bad... and hurt me for it.. then they b-banished me from my home...", Izuku frowned.
"Are you really a royal?",
Izuku nodded. "I guess I was... but I'm so happy I got food now.. I-I haven't eaten in a while...",
"Awhile? How long is a while?",
"Hm?", Izuku looked up. "Four d-days..?",
"Wait that incident happened four days ago?",
Izuku nodded and finished the food.
"Wow... that must suck... I'm sorry you're not welcome in our village...",
"It's ok... I'll just travel to another...",
The boy scooted closer. "First let me try and get some of these thorns out.",
"Oh.. o-ok...", Izuku closes his eye.
"How old are you..?" Izuku asked.
"Oh, I'm ten",
"Yeah.. but you seem super young to be on your own like this...", the boy started picking out all the thorns from his face, one after another.
"I-I'm.. I'm Uh.. four..",
The boy froze and looked at him. "Four? You're entirely to young to be in your own!",
Izuku shrugged.
The boy sighed. "Why is your left eye closed?",
"It's hurts...",
"Open it for for me please",
Izuku slowly opened his left eye. There were six visible thorns launched into it. The color of his eye was completely dull. There was no green shine to it at all.
"C-can I try and get the thorns out?...",
"Ah... mhh... y-yeah...",
The boy started to pick out each thorn slowly. Izuku didn't flinch when his hand got close to his eye. "Can you see out of it?",
Izuku shook his head.
"Oh... I'm sorry about that...",
Hours past and he was still trying to pick out the visible thorns into the boy. His shirt was now off and there was a small pile of thorns a foot away.
Izuku has taken off his pants and his under garments as well as the continued to pick out the thorns.
"You have a small body for a four year old.",
"Uh... oh...", Izuku looked down as the boy finished up.
"I've finished what I could...",
Izuku nodded and put his clothes back on. "Oh.. I took out some of the visible thorns out of your clothes.",
"I'm sorry I can't do anything else for you... but I have to go back or mamas gonna yell at me...",
Izuku nodded and stood slowly. "It's ok.. you can leave.. Thankyou for helping.", Izuku hugged the boy then started on his journey to the next village.
The boy nodded and ran back with a smile. He's met royal before. But that boy was too incredibly nice to be a royal.

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