Chapter Three: Years

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The boy nodded and ran back with a smile. He's met royal before. But that boy was too incredibly nice to be a royal.

Weeks passed and Izuku was never welcomed inside of a village. He had new bruises and scratches from his recent journeys. He was able to acquire a satchel where he kept spare food and coins on the ground. He only had a few pieces of silver and copper. He had no luck with gold. As he walked he munched on a small piece of bread that was thrown at him. He entered another village and looked around. Then sun was already setting so he tiredly sat himself behind someone's cottage.
Izuku fell asleep and morning came once again.
He woke up to a kick in the stomach. He eyes jolted open. "Ugh!!", he coughed and gasped as the oxygen left his body.
"Leave!! How dare you touch my home with your filthy hands you greedy brat!!", An old man yelled. He created such commotion villagers began to surround. They saw a boy coughing and gasping as the elder held a rake in his hand. "Leave!!", he yelled.
Izuku nodded in pain and slowly stood. He ran off east.
He ran and ran. But he had ended up in a large green forest. He collect many berries. Some made him incredibly sick, and some did nothing but replenish his hunger. He collected the ones that wouldn't hurt his health.
He spent weeks even months inside the forest. He created a small area where he slept. He made a small basket where he kept the berries he gathered. He even found a pomegranate tree. It took him a while to learn how to open one but once he learned, thats all he ate, the lively and delicious, juicy pomegranates. He enjoyed them so much.
He enjoyed his time away from everything else. He loved isolating himself from everything.
He found something he could gather water in, he also found a fresh water river right by his small home he made. He lived in that same forest for years, and years until a huge storm came. All his work undone. He had to gather some of the berries he collected and he fled from his new loved home.
He ran and ran in the stormed weather. The weather was cold, the wind was strong. He travelled throughout the stormed weather for days. The vigorous rain poured down having yet to calm. Weeks past and the storm raged on. His clothes were muddy, he had so many sleepless nights. Soon he came across a high rise village, he climbed the hill, he walked along the well made streets then collapsed.
The sleepless nights finally got to him and he knocked out right in the middle of the road.
The storm had died down the next day and Izuku was still unconscious. Some people had left there homes to get food. But we're distracted to the unknown person in their village. His hair was a bit long and messy, his clothes looked a bit small on him, his skin was pale, he was dirtied all over. One women had picked him up and walked him to her home. She laid him on he couch and gathered clothes for him. She started a nice bath for him so she could wash him up. She dressed him in old clothes and fixed up his long hair into a cute little pony tail that sat at the bottom of his head.
A day passed and Izuku finally woke up. He looked around at homely place. He stood and looked at the clothes he was now wearing. He spastically looked around scared of how he got in the situation he was in.
"Calm down. I'm only helping, but you must leave since the people here won't welcome you as well as I did.", a soft voice spoke.
He looked at her and walked over.
"Hm?", she stared at him.
He hugged her tight. "Th-Thankyou for accepting me...",
She was confused.
"Of course.",
"Uhm...", he let go and stepped back. "What year is it?..", he asked.
"Uhm... 1857 hun.. It's July 14",
He didn't realize how long he had isolated himself for. Years so many years had passed, and he didn't even realize it.
Izukus eyes teared up. "Really?",
"Hun what's the matter?", she asked.
He shook his head. "I didn't know I was gone for so long..." he looked down. Years really did pass.. he was nine now. He turned ten tomorrow.
"You were only out for a day",
Izuku shook his head. "No... My mommy and daddy banish me from our kingdom... uhm... f-five.. no.. six years ago...",
She stepped back. "You're a royal?", she looked instantly disgusted.
"Huh? Not anymore... Why do you hate me now...?",
"Get out.",
"Leave this village you greedy mutt!",
Izuku cried "what why?..",
"I don't want a spoiled brat in my home!",
He ran out in sobs, "I'm sorry!!",
Since the stormed calmed he started his journey again.
"Or course... no one wants a royal around...",
For the next few months he wondered from village to village trying to get food. And he did. A few months turned into a year.
He had bruises all over from his treacherous journey. Until he finally came across..
A huge kingdom, something he'd never dare to enter, scared of how people would treat him. Most kingdoms were closed off, but this one wasn't, there was a huge stone wall encasing it, a huge village that welcomed the entrance, and behind it all a huge castle. Izuku entered amazed, it was bigger than his old home. He was absolutely amazed..

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