Chapter Thirty: Dont take your anger out on me

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-(:Pov Switch:)-
Recap: All the other guards had backed away seeing how angry the prince grew over some servant.
"You have it all wrong. He didn't do anything. Now give me the keys!", he yelled. "I order you to give me the keys!!",

"I can't do that-",
"I. Order. You. To. Give. Me. The. Keys. Or else you'll end up in the dungeon. Got that?", he glared at the guard before him. "Give em. Now.", he growled as the guard handing him to keys to Izukus cell.

Katsuki quickly ran out of the headquarters and down a dark hallway opening to door to the stairwell that led far down under the kingdom. Katsuki had never had to enter such and area before, but now he had a reason.

Katsuki ran down the stairwell and down the dark, frozen, and old hallways glancing at each cell. Whether it be dark or not, Katsuki just attempted to follow Izukus dull, distressed scent. It had been harder to pick up upstairs due to all the others. But once closer to the omega, it was easier to pick up.


Katsuki yelled quickly unlocking the omegas cellar door opening it. He approached the green headed boy that had moved himself into the corner of the cell.

The look of pain that they boy contained seemed unimaginable. He kneeled down to the boy and took his cape off wrapping it around Izuku gently.

Katsuki then slowly began to pick him up, but then quickly put him down after the boy had woken up with a scream.

"D-Dont touch me! D-d-Dont touch me!!", Izuku cried out.

"Izuku- why? What happened?", Katsuki panicked looking at the teary eyed boy. "Let's go upstairs. Can you walk? Let's go..", Katsuki mumbled standing.

"Ah.. k-Kacchan..- K-Kacchan?!!", Izuku sat up quickly and tried standing despite his pain, but a loud crack from his hip echoed throughout the empty hallways as izuku toppled over again. Not a sound came from him. Complete silence, not a whimper, not a whine, nothing.

"I-izuku?..", Katsuki mumbled kneeling down to him. "I-izuku?.. what happened?..", he slowly turned the boy over.

"Izuku?..", he mumbled again.
"M-m-m-my h-hip..", he stuttered out with a trembled voice.

"Hm-", Katsuki furrowed his brows and picked up Izuku in a princess like style quickly leaving the dark hallways. He quickly walked up the stairwell and shut the metal door leading down. "N-not-.. I-I don't want.. t-to go to the r-r-rec-recovery.. h-headqu-quarters..", Izuku mumbled.

"You're hurt-",
"I-I do-don't car-c-care... I just.. w-want.. t-t-to be wi-with yo-you.. ple-p-please..", izuku exhaled closing his eyes.
Katsuki sighed and quickly walked up to his room laying Izuku in his bed. "I'm gonna go get ms Chiyo-",
"N-n-no.. stay...! P-p-p-please.. p-please just stay.. don't l-leave yet..",

Katsuki sighed and sat on the edge of the bed by Izuku. "Can you tell me what happened then?..", Katsuki glanced at him.
"H-huh?.. sh-she didn't tell y-you?.. h-how'd you fi-find m-me?.. ah.. wh-what ti-t-time is it?..", Izuku panicked glancing around the room.
"Calm down. Calm down. It's night right now. And no she didn't tell me anything- did the guards do this to yo-",
"N-no! Sh-she did.. sh-she-",
Izuku took a few deep breaths trying to calm down, his stutter had been worse which embarrassed him. "I-i..",

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