Chapter Fourty-Six: I'm sorry, Izuku

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Recap: I exhale softly and stand slowly. I take my cape off and lay it over his body.
He'll stay warm like this..
I quietly and carefully move back to where I was sitting.
I glanced at my hands, I compared the sizes they were. It's hard to tell cause it's wrapped and in a glove, but it's.. it's swollen. It's definitely swollen.. I mean it's throbbing so much..
how has Deku dealt with so much pain.. I feel.. damn.. I feel bad.
I sighed and watched him.
And after a couple hours he sat up and looked at the cape. He looked around, I grinned slightly, he didn't look behind him. He's.. he's so funny..
He exhaled and wrapped the cape around himself. And then he dug for an apple from the small sack.
I watched as he ate it as he scanned the area in front of him, is he looking for me?..
I wouldn't doubt it..
I slowly moved my knees up and rested my left arm along the top of my knee. He's so clueless.
I watch intently. I'm right behind you.. I wonder if he's scared that I could be near.. he might be scared I'm here.. maybe I shouldn't have stayed..
I laid my head against my arm and continued to watch.
After he finished his apple he grabbed both apple cores and walked to the edge of the area and put them in a bush, he stepped back and turned around. As we made eye contact he yelped and fell back.


Izuku's pov
Its warm...
When I fell asleep it was cold. I opened my eyes and found kacchans cape along my body. He's here?

He's here??
He's here.
I sit up and look around.
He's not? He's not..?
I guess he came and found me.. and left..
I look at the cape, he cares..
I sighed and grabbed my apple sack and took one out. There's one more left.. that's ok I'll just return to the castle after theyre all gone.
Once I finished the apple, i grabbed the core from earlier and stood walking towards the edge of the hangout area and put them in a bush.
I stepped back and turned around to walk back, but my heart leapt out of my chest, I panicked and fell back staring at-


How long has he been there?! He looks comfortable. His knees to his chest, his left arm rested on the top of his knees along with his head tilted to the side resting on his left arm.
Just gazing. He stayed silent for a few seconds then cleared the silence.
"You ok?"
He mumbled.

I nodded and stood walking over, I sat a couple feet in front of him.

Kacchan took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to i-
"I'm sorry.. Izuku.."
His red radiant eyes piercing into mine.
He said my name.. he apologized.. I never would have thought.. wow..

"It's.. it's ok.. i get it.. I wasn't listenin-"
Kacchan sighed. "You did.. someone said they overhead the conversation today in the laundry room Deku.. you listened, the princess was in the way is all. I know you didn't mean too."

I nodded. He knows.. does he know the princesses secret? I won't say anything about it.. "ok.." I mumbled. "Are you cold?.."

He shook his head as his gaze fell to the grass.
Kacchan sighed again.
"Wha-?" he interrupted me.
"I know it doesn't mean much now Izuku.. but I-.. I'm sorry.. that I got so upset. That I told you to be quiet.. I didn't- I didn't think.. I just did- and it was.. I-" he paused and huffed. "I was wrong- it was wrong. I regret it.. I'm sorry.." he concluded. He kept his eyes to the ground. He was refusing eye contact. It's reasonable. I know he hates voicing things out like this.

But it means so much...
"I-.. Kacchan.." I exhaled softly.
I know my place though. "I'm just a servant, I forgive you. It's ok.."

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