Chapter Eleven: She's not here..

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Uraraka became a good friend of mine, and as another month passed many people from other departments had started getting ready and setting up for the professional choosenings, Iida wont have any reports on me since I never leave my room, so there no way ill get picked, but I hope Uraraka does, although she hasn't been here long, I told her about the event that happens every six years and how they postponed it. She got extremely excited and started working harder than before, she often stays late so I don't see her at night, and she leaves early so I cant talk to her then, and she even leaves on her off days.. Lately she hasn't been talking to me. But she's working hard, unlike me.. they postponed the event for another few days because we were still setting things up and Iida wasn't done with reports. I helped set up just to be there. And since Uraraka was there I got to talk to her. Which made things a lot more fun.

As the few days passed everything seemed to be ready.

Each corner of the room had separate departments. We waited for the Queen to arrive. This year people were talking about how hard they work for this even and how they were excited Iida didn't care much. But he did mention that this was the nicest set up they had in years.

Hours passed but the Queen hadn't showed up. Night was nearing and people were tired some even went back to there rooms. Me and Uraraka talked. She told me how hard she's been working. She also apologized because we hadn't been talking often. But then Iida walked over and sat down with a frustrated sigh. "We worked so hard for nothing... she said she was better.. I guess she had a relapse", he looked away.

Uraraka sighed, "I've been working hard... I wish that the event would have started.. I was so excited..",
"Right!?", Iida chimed. "Besides I had so many good reports on you there was without a doubt, you would have been picked.",

Uraraka and Iida continued on their conversation as I listened. Then Iida looked at me. "I don't know what up with you. But you for some reason hold a special place in the queens heart... anytime I'm with her she says 'Oh! And how's Izuku! The green haired boy! Is he doing well??' Everytime... almost everyday. It's weird..", he mumbled and I shrugged.

"I don't know... I haven't done anything good... or productive..",

Iida narrowed his eyes at me. "Yeah, so why'd you stopped working? Maid and or servants get kicked out of the kingdom for that.",

"Oh.. the other ladies won't let me inside the department anymore so I just gave up.",
"Weird.. they've never had that problem with anyone else...", he thought out loud.

I shrugged it off and looked around then at the stairs hearing loud footsteps. I looked around and no one else seem to notice but I did.

As they made their way down the stairs the person sat in the thrown slouched with legs widen opened. That got everyone's attention. The prince was here. But the Queen.. She's not here..

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