Chapter Fifty-Five: You never woke up

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Recap: Mitsuki lifted their heads. "A friend of my son's is a friend of mine. I can tell you guys are good influences. I'm glad he had you guys. I'm sorry about the kingdom's dragon protocols. I'll let them know you guys are welcome whenever ok?" She shook their hands gently. "Your names?"
"I'm Denki Kaminari, and this is Eijiro Kirishima.." Denki smiled some. He felt welcomed. He wished Mina was there to experience Mitsuki's kindness.
"So, you must be the dragon" Mitsuki smiled looking at Kirishima.
"How can you tell?.."
"I have an eye for things. If I can't notice things by glance or have some common sense, what queen would I be?" She smiled. "Alright everyone. I have some things to attend to. Chiyo keep me updated. Izuku you're allowed to visit me whenever. And it was nice to meet you two." She concluded and left.
"Waaaah..." Kaminari's mouth dropped. "Bakugo's- the queen is awesomeee.." he whispered exasperated.
Chiyo laughed and continued to attend to Katuski.
"Ms Chiyo... when do you think Kacchan will be awake?.." Izuku muttered.
"Hm?.. I'm not sure Izuku.. could be today, tomorrow, days from now.. just be patient." She nodded softly with a sigh.

3rd Pov:

Izuku's patient demeanor began to dwindle as the sun set for the sixth time since they arrived at the Kingdom. An unnerving sensation settling in his chest. Perennially sitting on a stool by Katsuki's bedside.

Kirishima and Denki had left the kingdom after the first sunrise. As welcomed as they felt, they knew where they belonged. They know Katsuki will visit again someday. Although welcomed, the invariable conception of where they don't belong obscured their acceptance.

For Izuku, time became immeasurable, although seeing improvement within the Blond's condition, his optimism for his awake diminished. As the hours passed, Izuku surveilled Katsuki's condition. The fever no longer present, his derelict hand no longer swollenly tainted. An uneasy serene scene of the usual stubborn hot-headed boy that laid stationary in front of Izuku.

Chiyo reminding Izuku day by day that Katsuki's recovery has been quick, and all the boy needs is rest. But Izuku's overwrought mentality clouded Chiyo's assurance, completely inconsolable.

The everlasting belief that Katsuki's condition is purely his fault. Day by day Izuku feeling more suffocated than the last. Minute by minute the silence growing louder.

The first two days passed expeditiously. His worry meager, his optimism high. His patience immutable. The third day Katsuki's condition improved an ample amount. Due to this, Katsuki was moved to his bedroom as he didn't need to be monitored constantly. As the fourth day came around, the silence accrued. The transient sound of Chiyo's shuffling around the room longed for. The only time the silence ceased was when Chiyo did her evening check up on Katsuki which also became an evening check up on Izuku as she would bring Izuku food and a form of nutrients for the comatose prince. After the fourth day passed it was apparent Izuku was refusing sleep. The gut wrenching feeling of missing something important if he did. Eventually the sixth day came around, still no signs of waking up, the silence deafening. Evening came around as Chiyo came in to do her daily checkup along with a meal in hand. When looking upon the frail servant she sighed pitifully. "You're too dependent. Get some sleep." She exhaled walking over setting the food by Izuku. The plate of food from the evening before scarcely touched. Izuku remained silent, his eyes half lidded as he stared at the ground. Chiyo shook her head in disapproval as she carried on and did her check up on Katsuki. Everything looking normal, nothing wrong except some scars and bruising along his fist and knuckles. "He'll wake up soon Izuku. Eat and get some sleep." Chiyo looked at him grabbing the old plate of food. Izuku shrugged sluggishly, his thoughts so loud, yet his mind blank. A feeling of excruciating emptiness. Chiyo shook her head and left disregarding the desolate, arid boy.

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