Chapter Fourty-Nine: The Beauty of a Royal

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Recap:Night fell as Deku and I packed small shoulder bags. They held simple changes of clothes and I had Abby make a few days worth of food. I packed some wrap for my hand, and some cloths just in case. I also packed a dagger, Ive encountered so many dangers outside the kingdom. It's best to be safe. It'll be a struggle using it with my hand the way it is, but in a life or death situation I don't think it'll matter much.
I think Deku will be fine considering the stone around his neck benefits him.
"We'll wake up early tomorrow Deku." I mumbled as he laid next to me and closed his eyes. "Ok.. goodnight.."

I watched as he fell asleep. "Goodnight.." I exhaled and scanned his sleeping face before I closed my eyes. I'm sure this'll be fun for him.

Katsuki's Pov
I woke up early and debated whether I should write a letter to my mother about Deku and I leaving. We'd be fine for a few days maybe even a week or two. But writing is difficult with how my hand is. And since I've woken up it's seemingly feeling worse. I'll rewrap it before I wake Deku up.
I got out of bed carefully so deku wouldn't wake, and I grabbed the wrap from my bag and walked into the bathroom. I closed the door and took off my silk gloves, it doesn't get easier.
I slowly unwrap it, again the wrap glued to my cuts, I pull it off. It's bleeding less, but I think the wound is infected. I can't really tell..
They aren't healthy scabs. And they look awful, I know it's been a couple days so it's not going to improve drastically. But I think it's getting worse.
This is exciting.

I sigh and rinse it under some cold water, I hold it for a couple minutes before letting it air dry, it was still damp when I wrapped it. I wrapped it tight and slipped on my silk gloves again.

I exhaled.
I need to write my mother a letter. I refuse to talk to her in person including with the bullshit she said the other day. I'll have to write it with my left, but with extra effort I suppose it'll be readable.
I left the bathroom and grabbed a piece of paper and a quill that sat by my bookshelves. I kept it short and bleak.
Pretty much along the lines of,
'Deku and I will be gone for a few days, postpone our duties until we return. '
It's messy but readable. I fold it messily and walk to my mothers office, I lay it on her desk then make my way back to my room. I need to pack the wrap again. I shouldn't forget that..

I sigh and once I enter I see Deku awake. "Sleep well?" I close the door looking at him.
He smiles and hums "mhm!.."
"Change your clothes, we'll leave soon after." I walk to the bathroom and grab the wrap. I glance out the door as he makes his way to my wardrobe.
I furrow my brows and step out as he grabs something for me to wear and then himself.
I didn't even have to ask. I told him to situate himself and he prioritized me first.
He is a servant..
I sigh and put the wrap in my bag.
Deku placed my clothes on my side of the bed before changing. He picked out clothes that are comfortable, travel ready.
I slowly changed, I kept aware of my hand, but I had to force some movement given Deku was there. I'm not so sure he'd be scared of me anymore, but more of sorry, confused, or worried. But I don't want to hear a sorry for my mistake or my actions. And he doesn't need to be worried about me, he needs to focus mostly on himself, and I know he will always put me first. But I think he already does enough now as is.
Including if he knows about the injury I know that he'll just forget about himself and focus on me..
I know I can't hide it from him forever, but I'll keep it hidden for as long as I can.

Besides, the next few days are entirely about Deku. This should give him a break.
I pick up my bag with my left and slump it over my shoulder, and then I grab Dekus and slump it over mine. They're both pretty light. We didn't pack a whole ton.
"You'll hold the food that Abby made. It's downstairs."
He nodded and opened the door for me.
I need to put my shoes on..
"Go get the food I'll meet you down there. We'll leave through the back."
"Oh ok" he smiled and left closing the door.
I dropped the bags and sighed running my left hand through my hair. "Here we go.." I muttered and grabbed my shoes. Slipping them on was easy, fastening them was another story. I struggled, but I did it, I took the silk glove off of my right hand and examined the wrap. Some blood began seeping through, I didn't think I was using it that much.. I guess I was wrong. These cuts will never heal if I keep reopening them..
Hah... it's whatever.
I slip the glove back on and slump the bags over my shoulder again.
I adjust my cape to cover my right arm.
Im like an antagonist with an angsty background story. I hate books like that.. They lose anyways.

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