Chapter Twenty-Eight: Rira Gurotz (2)

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Recap: I looked down. "Y-yes ma'am..", I mumbled stepping away and walking to the door sitting by it.
"Whyre you here? Get out, he's not coming back until tomorrow. So you can go to your room. It disgusts me just having you in here.", she spouted changing into her night wear then getting into kacchans bed.
"No buts! Get out!!", she yelled at me. "Or I'll get the guards!",
I flinched standing. "Yes.. yes ma'am...", I mumbled walking out sitting outside the door.

I guess I'll wait out here... it's cold in these stairwells..

I looked down the stairs wrapping his cape tightly around my self.

The princess is mean.. she not a nice person at all.. If I tell Kacchan.. would he believe me.. ah- I have no proof..

I don't want to spend a week working for her.. she's going to tear me apart.. I can't do it.. I don't want to..

I don't want to see Kacchan looking at her like that anymore.. I don't want her calling him Kacchan.. I don't want him blushing towards her. I don't want this princess around, what if Kacchan falls for her and believes her over me... She's so two faced... she's- I'm.. he calls me useless..? I'm not useless am I...? I-.. does he think I'm useless?.. after all I've done for him?- no.. n-no because he wouldn't treat me the way he does- h-he said the meaning of the nickname doesn't matter...

Why does all this make my chest hurt... I can't handle all of this..

I had fallen asleep at the top of the stairs wrapped up in kacchans cape, it keeps me warm, and it smells nice.
As I slowly opened my eyes I had felt a slight tugging of my hair,
"Hm?..", i hummed a bit sitting up, "ah.. k-Kacchan?..", I looked at him moving closer. "Kacchan..", I mumbled leaning against him.
"Deku... Whyre you sleeping here..?", he sighed pulling me close. "She didn't want me in there.. she said sh-she was uncomfortable..", I mumbled.
"Really?", he asked running his fingers through my hair. "Hm...", i hummed a bit closing my eyes again. "Yeah.. she threatened to get the guards if I didn't leave...",

Kacchan sighed. " it must've been cold here, huh?..",

I nodded a bit as he stood holding me in a princess style like manner. "I'll be a little busy this week, but I'll be here today and tomorrow.. ok? You shouldn't have to sleep in the stairwell... that's not fair to you.",
"It's ok...", I sniffled, "It doesn't matter..", I sniffled again, my nose is stuffy...

Kacchan entered the room as I laid my head against his chest.

I'm still so tired.. I'm just happy kacchans back..
"Oh!.. Kacchan! You're back already?~",
Her voice is annoying.
"May I be honest? Your servant is definitely lacking! I had to get up, make the bed, and start my self a bath. All that, by myself! Can you believe that Kacchan?..", she complained.
"Oh?.. Whyre you holding him like that? Don't you think he should walk on his own", she asked.

"Everything you did this morning was the result of your actions last night.", he grumbled placing me on his side of the bed. "Deku you can sleep in for now, the princess and I will be going downstairs to eat. Ok?..",
I glanced at him nodding a bit.  "Okie... come back though..", I mumbled yawning a bit.

I watched as he chuckled. "I will, so sleep.",

"Excuse me?! Whyre you ignoring me. And it's early morning, he should be up, and ready, and treating me properly.",

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