Chapter Fifty-Six: Familiarities

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Recap: "Izuku. I never woke up." He glanced at me.
"What?-" I tensed as the wind got stronger and everything around me began to crumble, the ground shaking violently as the trees around began to topple over. The ground underneath me cracking. I spastically looked around then back at Kacchan who was no longer there. Not a single sign that he was ever there to begin with.
"Kacchan?!" I panicked as the ground split beneath me, falling into a bottomless void.

I sat up quickly with panicked breathing. My eyes locking onto Kacchan who had no signs of movement. I glance at the window as it was still nightfall. Zero sign of the sun. I took a deep breath and exhaled looking at Kacchan again.

"You.. never woke up.." I muttered furrowing my brows before looking at the floor as tears fell.

Izuku pov

I gave up waiting for him, I continued to my chores, it was still dark, but I had felt like I stared at the floor for hours. I felt like that dream was a sign.
So I spent the following day cleaning. I organized his clothes, sweeped and mopped the floors, dusted every book and shelf. Almost nothing untouched. A few things I left unorganized, only because kacchan is picky.
By the end of the day everything was clean, and I mean everything.
Ms Chiyo says he should be awaking soon.
But she's been saying that for days, I feel like there's nothing to look forward to anymore.
I shouldn't believe dreams... but it was right.. you never woke up... I can only hope but it's getting... it feels useless.. you're supposed to be healthy again.. your hand is healed, so what's the hold up??
I just don't get it.. it's so.. tedious..

3rd person pov

Two days passed since Izuku's dream, the sun at the highest point in the sky, Izuku sitting by the bed next to the stool picking at his fingers.
The rustle of the sheets and a low groan.
Izuku shot up and stood looking at katsuki. But nothing looked different, Izuku figured he's imagining things, however Katsuki shifted again and opened his eyes squinting them, the sun blaring through the windows flashbanging him, Izuku gasped. "K-kacchan???..." Izuku pinched himself upon the top of his hand before taking a step towards him.
Katsuki groaned, his voice appearing graveled and weak.
Izuku panicked and looked around quickly before heading towards the door. "I-I'll be right back-! Oh..-" he quickly closed the curtains of each window dimming the room and then left.
Izuku ran to Chiyo headquarters, some guards shouting at him for running, but nothing was stopping him. He barged through the door and saw Chiyo and Queen Mitsuki talking.
"Izuku??" Queen Mitsuki raised her brows surprised at his sudden entrance. "Kacchan! H-he's awake!.." Izuku panted out trying to catch his breath.
Chiyo moved quickly, she grabbed her things and headed towards Katsuki's room, Queen Mitsuki followed with Izuku behind them.

As Chiyo entered the room she saw Katsuki, sat up and confused, while he stared at his sheets. "Katsuki." Chiyo approached.
Katsuki glanced at her but made no sound. "I'm going to check your vitals, and well being, however you should be fine." Chiyo sighed taking out some equipment.
"Katsuki" Queen Mitsuki approached the end of his bed as Katsuki glanced at her, his demeanor changed from confused to angry, "You will return to your princely duties immediately, they've been on hold for too long. Nothing has changed. You still have two more royalties to get through. Choose wisely.." she sighed and glanced at Izuku then away. "I'll be on my way. I'm glad you're awake son.." Queen Mitsuki quickly took her leave as Katsuki remained irritated. However, not a single word had been spoken from him yet.
Chiyo backed up putting her equipment away. "I need you to stand katsuki. Due to you being comatose your muscles may be weak from lack of use. However, I need to see how weak."
Katsuki sighed and slowly stood up glaring at her.
"Walk to your door and back. Watch your attitude" she sighed and watched as he walked from his door and back to his bed fine. "Your physical well being is fine, you're lucky you're an alpha... now sit." She demanded and katsuki sat down and stared at her. "Look straight." She got on the stool and put her hand on his throat gently. "Speak." Katsuki glared at her demands.
"Katsuki. Stop being difficult and talk." She sighed again.
"I'm fine." Katsuki mumbled, his voice weak, the tone low and gravely.
"Hm..." Chiyo hummed, "don't over use your voice and drink a lot of water. Other than that, take it easy, you're fit to continue your duties. Don't exert yourself too much."
Katsuki rolled his eyes and Chiyo grabbed her things and left.
As the door shut, silence filled the room, Izuku stared at Katsuki in disbelief, he's finally awake, what felt like forever was finally present.
Katsuki glanced at him and stood approaching him. He pointed to the bathroom. "Shower." Katsuki muttered before Izuku nodded and rushed to the bathroom starting a shower and prepping the bathroom, after a few minutes Izuku went back out to Katsuki, "done.." Izuku mumbled as Katsuki glanced at him and turned walking past him into the bathroom.

Izuku let out a heavy exhale, relief showering over him as things almost seem back to normal.
A couple dozen minutes passed as Katsuki left the bathroom in a new set of clothes, he looked more awake and refreshed.
Izuku approached him awaiting any sort of order.
Katsuki stared down at him and raised a brow.
"Wh-what can I do.. for you??.."
katsuki shook his head and walked around Izuku and towards his bed sitting down.
Izuku furrowed his brows and turned following Katsuki with his eyes.
Katsuki patted next to him on the bed. Izuku hesitated before approaching slowly and sitting next to him. Katsuki stared at him however Izuku's eyes stayed averted not noticing the blondes stare.
Katsuki bumped his arm gently with his elbow as Izuku jumped and looked at him, their eyes meeting eachother. Katsuki's stare appeared confused and lost, Izuku noticed and realized no one told Katsuki what happened.
Izuku looked away. "You got really sick kacchan... like really sick, your hand got really infected.. and it put you in a coma for over a week.." Izuku mumbled as Katsuki exhaled. He laid back in his bed as Izuku glanced at him. "You.. o-okay?.." Izuku mumbled as Katsuki shrugged. "Things are.. returning to normal... I didn't mean to ruin your short.. vacation, it was supposed to be fun..." Katsuki spoke quietly, his voice hoarse and weak.
"The journey there was more than enough of a vacation. Besides, I learned a lot.. Thankyou kacchan..." Izuku smiled.
Despite the negatives, Izuku realized things were going to return to how they used to be, the familiarities ensuring positive results in his future. He felt comfort in what was to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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