Chapter Thirteen: Day one

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((I did finish this chapter at 4:26 in the morning. I started right after i posted my last chapter. If there is a spelling mistake please comment so I can fix it. But I'm pretty sure I checked everything! Thankyou!!))

After a while I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.. I'll have to clean that room tomorrow... after I show him I'm not allowed in the maid department.

Prince Katsuki had still been asleep while I worked on his breakfast in the kitchen. After he started his daily activities is when I'll start on his room. I'll also prepare him a lunch later, then dinner. I can tell the prince is lazy so if he doesn't come to eat lunch I would understand. Plus he's not perfect so I shouldn't expect much from him.

As I walk upstairs to his room with platter that holds a perfect plate of two English muffins with a light coating of peach preserves, a side of scrambled eggs, and a glass of fresh made orange juice, I knock softly to see if he's awake, as I thought, he's not, maybe I'll work on his room while he sleeps then.

I silently enter his room and walk over to his bed side table clearing it off, and quietly setting the platter down. I'll let him sleep in for a bit since it's still early.

I look around the room and start by picking up the laundry and setting it in a pile. I do the same with the laundry in the bathroom, I separated the rags and I made a different pile for them. The room already looked nicer, as the bathroom does not. I enter the bathroom and gag at the smell, I start by draining the tub then quickly run out of the room gagging, it smells so awful..

After I finish sorting the rags and laundry and draining the tub I walk over to the princes bed and lay a hand in his shoulder gently and shake him. "Sir... Your highness it's time to wake up...", I shake him a bit more as he opens his eyes, thats my queue to let him go and take a step back.

I put my hands behind my back and stood straight presenting myself nicely. "Goodmorning your highness.. I made you breakfast. And straightened up your room",

He sat up and looked around his room, he didn't seem pleased but I could tell he noticed a difference, he then looked at me. "So you're going to make me go downstairs and eat at the dinning table like my mother does?", he groaned and glared at me.

I shook my head. "No sir, your breakfast is right beside you...", I pointed slightly.

He looked over at it and picked up his plate taking a bite of the eggs, I made sure to make them spicy, I do remember some chefs complaining about his acquired taste. And how he's a picky eater. I also made sure they were fluffy and moist.. if they were to dry they'd be nasty, and if they were hard they wouldn't be enjoyable to eat.

He looked at me and smiled. And it seemed genuine, it took me back for a second, it surprised me... honestly I thought his smile would be ugly but..

I felt my face heat up a bit as I looked down. "Is it to your taste your highness.",

"I wouldn't fucking eat it if it wasn't.", he grumbled and continued eating. "Yes it is. And I really appreciate you bringing it to me maid.",

I guess he'll refer to me as 'maid', I forgot that he doesn't care... he'll probably never learn my name..

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