Chapter One: A Secret

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Izuku, the age of four.

His parents loved him more than anything in the world. The small omega seemed to have so much potential for the kingdom.
The small child was so gentle and adorable he always had friends. Everyone liked his joyful self. And everyone trusted him more than anything. Some days King and Queen Midoriya would let him leave the castle area and go into the village where he would bring joy to everyone there. Some days he wasn't allowed to leave.

One day, it was the usual. Bright, sunny and warm, a perfect day to bring the village joy.
Izuku woke up as early as ever. He ran out of his lovely green room and down to the corridor and into the dining area where his parents sat.
They we're chatting about whether to let Izuku know about the kingdoms prized possession, the most important thing to the kingdom. But Izuku is trustworthy.
As Izuku ran into the dining area he hopped up into his chair. "Mommy, Daddy, can I go play in the village today?", Izuku asked politely.
They looked at him and shook their heads. "I thi- No, Our son, we have something to show you today.", His father spoke out. His mother nodded and they both stood. Izuku tilted his head and got up after them.
They walked out and to a dark hall way where a door sat at the end of it. They entered and all of a sudden a bunch of torches lit up and let the stairs that led down shine bright.
They started to walk down slowly as Izuku spastically looked around in amazement. "woow...", he mumbled.
"Remember this place is very old. So don't be to loud, ok?", his mother glances at him with a soft smile.
He nodded respectfully and followed far down until they stopped and more torches ignited. Showing and incased glowing book, along with a floating green jewel that hovered above. "Now Izuku. You must tell no one about this. We trust you with our lives son.", his father looked at him and squatted to Izukus level.
"Yes sir.", he smiled.
"This is the power that the Kingdom holds. If this ever gets stolen the kingdom would come falling down. So if you tell someone your home could tumble down.", His mother explained.
"Exactly. We're telling you this because this is the responsibility you'll need to know about in the future.", his father picked up Izuku so he could look at the glowing book and the hovering green jewel.
"Wow... we must be super powerful... I promise I won't tell a soul!", he giggled joyfully.
"Good. We trust you Izuku.", his mother smiled. His father nodded.
"Mommy, Daddy, Can we go play a game?",
His parents laughed and looked at him. "What game?", they both asked in harmony.
"I want to be the Prince that saves mommy from an evil dragon!",
They laughed. "Ok son.", his father said as they started walking up the stairs. And all the torches flames disappeared in an instant.

They played their game so happily. But soon, the king and queen had some short business to attend to so he played with his personal servants. He loved them so much. They were so nice to him. After so, night fell and Izuku was put to rest. His mother and father got back and tucked him peacefully in. Then they went to rest themselves.

Another bright morning came. And Izuku woke up. Less joyful but happy as always. He groggily walked down through the corridor and to the dining area where his parents sat. "Goodmorning..!", Izuku yawned and smiled.
"Tired this morning, aren't you?", his mother smiled.
"Yes ma'am...", he yawned again and sat in his seat where food was present.
"Did you sleep well son?", his father looked at him as he began to eat.
Izuku took a bite of his delicious well made food, he then looked up at his smiling father and chewed slowly then swallowed, "yes sir.", he said politely.
They frowned at their overly tired son.
"Did you stay up later than usual?", his father asked.
Izuku shook his head and continued to eat. "No sir.", he yawned again and smiled. "I just want to go to the village today.", he smiled more.
"Mhhh..", Queen Midoriya look at her husband. "Not today son. How about another day?", his father smiled softly.
"That's ok.", he ate about half of his food. Half of what he usually eats. "I'll just play in my room, or can I go into the garden?",
They smiled. "Anywhere but the village today son.", His father smiled and watched Izuku leave the table and right out to the garden.
Their smiles faded when they saw how much Izuku ate. "Oh my.. he ate almost nothing..", Queen Midoriya covered her mouth in a frown. "Oh dear, is that bad hun?", she looked at her husband.
"I'm sure he's fine dear.", King Midoriya smiled and stood. "Do you mind accompanying me to my office?", he looked at her and held his hand out respectfully.
She smiled gracefully. "Yes but of course I would.", She stood and took his hand as they left to his office.

Izuku went straight to the garden where he helped the gardeners, he smiled and laughed, he played tag with them, he made goofy jokes. He told fake stories. He jumped around. And hours passed. Until the King and Queen ran out of the Kingdom and into the garden "Izuku!! We trusted you!!", The king stomped over and slapped his son making him fall into the ground aggressively. The servants stepped back and quickly left. And Izuku was left there confused, with a welting hand mark on his face. "What..?", tears fell from the pain and the accusations.
"How could you Izuku? We're going to be attacked now", his mothers voice shook in terror.

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