Chapter Nineteen: Alexa Carter

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Recap: My laugh fades into a small smile as look at him. Maybe if I was still a royal... I wonder if I would have a chance with him...

"Let's go up to my room now", he says catching his breath then walking upstairs.

I can tell he doesn't care about which princess starts off first.

A few days pass and the first princess staying with the prince is A-Alexa Carter. She's very very quiet.

Her and the prince are up in his room while I make their lunch. It's actually.. very difficult with my left hand.. but I make do!

As I finish I head my way up the stairs. I hold the large platter with my right hand since my left won't listen to my nerves. I enter the room and place the plates down and look at them. "Hm.", the prince snickers at me and begins to eat. I made sure to make his a little more spice then ms carters..

"Oh wow.. this is really good, th-Thankyou.", she looks at me and smiles. A genuine smile.

I give a small smile back. "Of course your highness. If you ever have a problem with the dish I'll go remake it.", I state and look down placing my hands behind my back.

"Oh no need. This is better than what I get at my kingdom. Thankyou. And..", I listen as she glances at the prince. "D-did you force h-him to act like this?..", she whispered to him but I still heard.

He shook his head. "Fuck no." He rolled his eyes as ms Carter flinched. "I-oh...", she mumbled eating.

I sighed and fixed up my little sleep area then walked to the bathroom and began cleaning up.

As I finish I walk out and take their empty plates upon the platter and walk down putting them up and cleaning the dishes. I look back at the other "chiefs" as they whisper about me. I grab the platter and raise it above my head and turn to them as they flinch and shut up. I gave an innocent smile then put the platter up.

I entered the princes room and looked at them. "Princess carter would you like me to start you a bath?", I tilt my head to the side.

"Oh uhm.. yes please..", she mumbled and stood up.

I nodded and walked to the bathroom and started a warm bath for her. She entered the bathroom and began undressing her self. She kept her self politely covered as I could tell she was uncomfortable.

I finished up and grabbed a towel setting it upon the counter top then grabbed her dirty clothes and places them nicely within the basket.

"Go wash her hair.", the prince demanded.

I jumped and looked at him. "Sh-Shes not very comfortable with me in there.", I mumbled.

"What did I just say?",

I flinched and grabbed her a new dress and placed it on the counter by her towel i kneeled down behind the bathtub and sigh as she watched me. "Wh-what are you doing?..", she whispered.

"I'm sorry.. the prince ordered me to help... uhm..", I sat back and covered my face in embarrassment.

"You don't have to. Just sit there and act like you are.", she gave a soft giggle and finished up her bath. I handed her a towel, and while she dried off I drained the tub.

When I turned around she had folded her towel and sat it on the counter top and went to sit by the prince again on his bed.

As it was nearing night I began to make their dinner. And when I finished I did the same as always and brought it to his room and waited for them to finish.

A few hours went by as I laid on the ground listening the the two royals talk.

This same routine went on for the next few days. But she never opened up. Not even a little. But she was very, very sweet. There was no way she could even hurt an ant. Even if she were to be upset. There's no way.

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