Chapter Twent-Nine: Rira Gurotz (3)

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-(:Pov Switch:)-
Recap: I exhaled softly and slowly sit up.
"Hm... ", I look at ms Chiyo. "I-I think I'm ok now.",
I mumbled standing slowly. "I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time, I'm alright now..",
"Ah-ah-ah. I need to know what you were feeling when he used that type of force on you-",
"It wasn't intentional... it was an accident.. but uhm...", I paused sitting down. "My body felt like it was burning, my vision had.. g-gotten super blurry, I couldn't move at all except my eyes.. and I couldn't talk either.. that's pretty much it.",
"Nothing else?", ms Chiyo asked.
"Oh.. well I couldn't breathe.. it was really hard, I had to think about breathing, and I had to like.. d-do it myself than subconsciously, and my body wasn't listening to me, so it was hard..", I concluded standing again. "Let's go upstairs now..", i mumbled walking out.

I don't want to be in there a second longer, I'm fine now, and what happened- can be forgotten now.

I glanced over as the princess caught up to me. "Hey-",
"Stop being a slut towards Kacchan. It's pathetic.", I mumbled walking faster up to his room.

She really makes me angry. I want her gone..

Kacchan and I talked about the current princess here, Rira Gurotz. He doesn't like her around, she's two faced and acts very spoiled. But he's trying to let them stay the full week before losing his temper with them. Which makes sense.. that's the whole idea, but the last couple never stayed around very long.

Ms Gurotz hasn't been clinging onto Kacchan lately, but she still attempts to tease him, it doesn't work anymore though, and it makes her angry. Kacchan and I have addressed the issue to Mitsuki, meaning after these last two days we won't have anything to do with the Gurotz family again.

I think the only thing that's bothering me now, is that Kacchan leaves for the night, and leaves me with the princess, now we don't talk, and I do my job per usual, I serve the royals before me. And I don't do much for her, but she constantly stares at me before she goes to sleep, again, Kacchan isn't around at night, I assume he's goes to sleep at his hideout.

He hasn't slept in his bed since the whole pheromone incident. Kacchan and the princess eat downstairs, and walk around the kingdom for most of the day while I'm left in his room alone. I shouldn't expect much, I can't be around him all the time. So I understand.

"Are you leaving again tonight?..", I asked looking up at kacchan, he's leaving again. I hope this doesn't become a normal thing.

"Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow morning as usual.", he grumbled taking his cape off. He had taken it back a few hours after the pheromone incident the other day. He actually left for the rest of the day, and I had to serve the princess- r-right after I insulted her....

"Stay warm, ok?", he mumbled putting his cape around my shoulders.
I nodded a bit and looked away. "Why do you leave me alone with her.. can you make her go home please?..",
"Deku. Two days. Two days left. She hasn't done anything lately, she's been fine, everything's ok right now. Don't worry. If something happens tonight, then notify me in the morning about it. And I'll get her out, ok?",

I nodded a bit wrapping his cape tightly around myself. "Two more days.", I mumbled.
"Good.", he ruffled my hair and left as I turned around looking at the princess, who had been reading one of kacchans book.

"Tell me servant. Why does he leave every night?", she sighed.
"Ah?.. I-I'm not sure.. I think he l-likes being alone.. having time to himself..", that's not the real reason.. he just doesn't want to sleep in the same bed as her... I don't know why he doesn't move her to a guest room.

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