Chapter Thirty-Three: Luxanna Sulimanava

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Recap: I panic, slowly crawling towards the bed pulling my self up. I use my left leg to help push myself up, although that was more excruciating than my right hip popping. I feel more pain in my left leg that in my right- how does that work- how-

I'm done for..

I pull the covers over myself. I lay down looking at the doors.
Just- I just have to pretend I didn't do anything. I can't prove to Kacchan anything- I didn't even get to prove to myself that I could be useful.. that idea was so dumb.. what was I thinking..

Just pretend. Just pretend and everything will be ok. Pretend.


Kacchan walked in his room with the princess, frankly I'd like to be of help. But that doesn't seem to be on option..

The princess looked at me, and stared. "A.. beta?.. why do you have a commoner in your bed?.." she whispered to Kacchan.
"He's my servant. But he got hurt and he needs rest. So I'm letting him lay in my bed-",
"I don't want to sleep in the same bed as a servant... So.. maybe.. let's move him.." the princess asked hesitantly.
I stared at Kacchan and nodded a bit as he sighed, he walked over to me kneeling down. "Ignore her. You got up didn't you?"

I tensed, is it obvious? What'd I do?

"Come on now Deku... your pheromones are giving all signs you did. Did you hurt yourself in the process?"

I looked away as he sighed again. "Why don't you fucking listen to me? When someone tells you that you are not to move, then don't move."
"I want to be of use.." I replied
"You can be. Just not this time-"
"I wasn't any use last time either... and I still got hurt-"
"Deku! This ti-"

"Excuse me?" I looked over at the princess, I then glanced over at Kacchan, he wasn't pleased with being interrupted.

"Don't interrupt me. Got that?"
"Don't speak to me like I'm some low life please. I may not be here to fall in love, I'm here to aid my kingdom and yours. So please show some decency and respect for my presence."

Kacchan nodded and looked at me.
"Kacchan.. just move me to the recovery head quarters. I'll heal faster there... and.." I looked at the princess. "We can continue talking on the way there.." I mumbled as he nodded.

"K-Kacchan?", I asked as he stood. "You're staying in this bed, ok? I told Chiyo that your my responsibility- No matter what! So, you're sleeping here. And you, Luxanna, can either sleep in a guest room, or sleep in this bed. It's up to you.", Kacchan concluded.

Luxanna sighed and shrugged. "It seems either way I lack to win. Anyways, neither matter to me I guess. As long as this boy causes no issues for us, then I have no problem cooperating."

"Kacchan..." I looked at him.
He looked at me for a split second then turned to the princess standing by the door still. "Your mother has things planned for us. So-"
"I know, but I have someone to look after, and it seems-" he looked back at me with a slight glare, "that he lacks to listen, and-", he looked back at the princess, "he enjoys disobeying orders. So I'll have to deal with him."

The princess sighed and nodded. "I understand. So he will not be of use then?"

"I-I'm sorry!" I sit up slightly looking at her, I bow my head down a bit then look at her again. "I-I'm really sorry!!" I apologize again. "No need. I was simply just wondering. Anyways, your highness I'd like to stay in a guest room. I'd rather not stay in a room together with someone I've just met. Whether we'd like to aid our kingdoms. I'd still rather be comfortable doing so." She nodded a bit and grabbed her suitcase.
"Ok. I'll show you to your room. Dinner will be in a few ho-"
"Yes I know, in the mean time, whilst you attend to your servant I shall speak with your mother."
"Would you sto-!"
"Refrain yourself from yelling at me please. It'd lack to get you anywhere." She sighed and left the room as Kacchan followed, visibly angry.

I don't even have to guess, I already know.. this won't last.. at all.
I lay back down and stare at the ceiling.
However, she's pretty stubborn too. And she's pretty set on aiding her kingdoms gain. If anything, she can easily manipulate Kacchan into believing that their marriage would aid each kingdom, but in reality it'll only aid one, and that'd be the princesses. The bakugo kingdom is the top kingdom in the country... you can't aid a kingdom that doesn't need to be aided. And Kacchan.. Kacchan doesn't pay enough attention to know that.
Judging by what I've seen, from Luxanna, is that shes set in aiding her kingdom. Her speech.. is.. very monotone and proper.. she sounds like she thinks logically. Thinking that way, and her speech- manipulation seems easy- like she said to Kacchan twice, aiding her kingdom seems to be top priority, however she made it clear she wasn't here to fall in love. Which may have convinced Kacchan into going along with her. Is Kacchan that dumb though..? Her words are so simple but they have much meaning behind them- does Kacchan know that?..

I let out a sigh looking at the bedroom door as it opens.
"Oh good you didn't move." Kacchan smiles a bit walking towards me.

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