Chapter Fifty: Stay silent

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Recap: He moved and laid his head in my lap.
I have to stay awake through the night just in case of dangers. But it's nothing new, Deku needs his sleep.
After a couple minutes Deku stared into the sky. I don't even think he noticed I was staring at him. But how could I not.
Another thing he's so passionate about.
I don't think I've ever enjoyed seeing someone's passion or happiness for things, but seeing Dekus.. gives such an enjoyable warm feeling, I can't get enough.. it's like.. a drug, I hope I get to see more of it tomorrow..

Katsuki's Pov
The night was rough. The temperature dropped, the winds picked up and it began to rain. He didn't wake but I moved us and our belongings under a tree, I had to wrap my cape around Deku. I didn't want him to be cold or get wet. Given that he stayed asleep I think it worked.. I held him pretty close so he'd stay warm too..
The cold made my hand feel numb, I can't tell if it's in pain or not. But I used it to move everything, and it didn't feel like it was throbbing as usual.
As the night went on my headache progressed, and I acquired a fever along with it.
Overall a very enjoyable night...

I have to suck it up for Deku. He needs this.. he shouldn't worry..
As soon as I saw some sort of light from the horizon I woke Deku up. We have to make good time.
He moved leisurely. I allowed him to keep the cape on, it only rained for a couple of hours, and the trees helped keep him dry, plus it's still cold.
I helped him put the bags over his shoulder before picking up the basket.
"You need to stay super close to me. I'm going to take the safest route I know, but precautions are necessary. We both need to stay relaxed and calm while walking through it."
"O-ok.." he nodded moving closer to me. "I've only encounter one thing in this Forrest, so don't be scarred. We just need to stay quiet and calm."
Deku nodded again.
I've probably stressed him out. But it's dire. If he's at discomfort his pheromones build up, in a sense creatures in this Forrest smell fear. And staying quiet is dire because their hearing is extremely advanced. Movement sounds are often over looked by them because there's so much around, but voices they seek out. I learned the hard way.

Deku clung to me like a parasite, we made good pace as we moved quickly through the trees.
I should've told Deku we'll be walking like this for the next few hours. It'll be fine..

Nearly two hours had passed.
I paused and stopped moving as Deku bumped into me from behind. He grabbed onto the bottom of my shirt tightly as my eyes scanned the area around us. It's hard to see with all these trees. But I know I heard something close..
It didn't sound very big.. maybe I'm over reacting..

Deku pulled on my shirt as I leaned down to him.
"There's nothing here.." he whispered barely audible.
"I heard something..." I whispered back.
"Kacchan.. there's nothing here.. I can tell.." he whispered again.
I furrowed my brows. And stood straight looking around.
Am I going crazy?.. is it my headache?.. I'm over thinking it.

I brush it off and continue the walk.
Another hour passes before Deku stops walking and grips my shirt. I stop and look back at him.
I lean down, "w-" he covers my mouth quickly.
Something's near- how'd I not notice. I look up and around. There's too many trees to actually see anything. I glance at Deku as he points to the left of us. "far.." he whispered. I could barely hear him.
I lean down to him and next to his ear. "We'll wait til it passes" I whisper as quiet as possible. He nodded as we waited for quite awhile. Eventually, Deku pulled on my shirt and I look at him. He just nods and we continue on our way.

Are my senses dulling?.. how could Deku tell.
It was impressive.. I couldn't hear a thing. My ears feel stuffy but it didn't affect me hearing no whispers.
I brush it off. I cant dwell on it so much. We're almost there.
I pick up the pace, we have about another hour of walking. Deku matches my pace not letting an inch of space between us.

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