Chapter Sixteen: Shaky

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Recap: "I order you to tell me your maiden name. If you don't I'll throw you in the dungeon.", he threaten.
"Izuku Midoriya...", I mumbled and curled up tucking my head down.
"Midoriya? Like the Midoriya kingdom? You shouldn't lie to a royal you know."

"Well.. I'm not lying...", I mutter
"So, your the Midoriyas kingdoms missing prince.", he says sarcastically.
"Missing?? More like banished.",
"They said the prince went missing.", he replied.
"No they banished the prince out of anger. They banished me because they assumed something that wasn't true. But if you heard I went missing... they obviously lied about my disappearance..",
"So you're a prince..?", he asked.
"Not anymore... I'm just a maid now...", I sighed.
"You should go back..",
I tensed. "No! Absolutely not! Not only did they banish me but they abused me before they did so!",
"It probably wasn't even that bad! How old were you huh? 12? 13? You're over exaggerating!!",
"What would you know!! And I was four!!", I stood and walked over to him. "You see these tiny cuts! You see my eye! They did that! To a four year old!", I panted softly growling lowly.
"I didn't know... I didn't mean to assume..", he mumbled.
"Of course you wouldn't know! And you don't know what if feels like to be disowned from a family that loved you one day and hated you the next! Because you can act anyway you want and be loved and spoiled!", I felt tears well up in my eyes. "You live so perfectly and take it for granted!", I huffed as tears fell.
He glanced at me. "You're not a royal...", he mumbled.
"I know.. I'm your servant...", I mumbled back and walked over to the pallet. "I'm sorry for yelling... your highness..", I closed my eyes and laid down.
He huffed as I heard his bed creak as he laid down.

"Do I have to accompany you during the bride thing?..",
I asked.
"Yes..", he said.
I sighed and relaxed as I fell asleep. And I'm sure he did as well.

I woke up around early morning so I stood and saw the prince sleeping.

I looked around and decided to make him breakfast because that's my job now. I walked down and to the kitchen to find Uraraka.
"Uraraka!", I smiled and ran over to her. She turned around and smiled. "Hey! Izuku!", she giggled.

I ran over and hugged her tight. "I've been busy lately", I said and looked at her. "And I have to sleep in the princes room too.",
She giggled. "Is he mean?",
"Sometimes", I mumbled.
"Awww... has he hurt you yet?", she asked as I tensed.
"Well yeah... I don't want to talk about it though", I gathered things I need to make the princes breakfast. I ended up making a spicy omelet with a toasted bagel layered with grape preserves. But it was difficult, my left hand was very shaky, not only that... but it's really hard to move.

"He did that didn't he?", she watched me pathetically try to cook.
"Did what?",
"Your hand Izuku! You can't move it!",
I flinched and shrugged.
"Yeah, but it's fine.", I took a deep breath then winced. "Hng!", he kicked me in the chest... I forgot... it hurts a lot...
"It's just my chest I'm fine Uraraka!", I sighed and finished his breakfast and left. "I'm sorry for yelling...", and I left with that..
I walked upstairs to his room. As I entered I looked at him, he was still asleep... I walked over and placed platter on his bed side table and sighed.

After I laid on my pallet and curled up waiting for him to wake up and eat..

Apparently he has to go meet the brides right before lunch.. and I have to be there, I'm not looking forward to it...

(Hey, I need four names for the princesses! First and last names! And give them a personality too!! I'll pick the ones I love the most! And if you want to use an MHA character slide that into the comments too!)

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