Chapter Twelve: Wait.. Me?

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As they made their way down the stairs the person sat in the thrown slouched with legs widen opened. That got everyone's attention. The prince was here. But the Queen.. She's not here..

I looked at Iida as he stood quickly and walked over to the prince quickly. Iida seemed angry.. but then he began to yell.
"You're not allowed down here!! You should report back to your room! And besides, where the Queen!!", he used very robotic motions to express himself...

The prince rolled his eyes and grumbled. "Of course. It's you down here. The Hag is probably coughing up a lung. And I'm bored.", he groaned looking at everyone. "Besides I wanted to see how all the servants and maids were doing.", he teased.

I looked around and every one seemed annoyed or scared. Others stood and quickly left to room excusing them selves from the area. There was only about eleven people left in the room.

I sighed and looked at Tenya as he shook his head at the prince and walked over sitting back down by us.

"You know Iida, you're like my mother's very own pet. You report back to her and help her with her things, and I want one of those.",
Tenya growled. "You may be royalty, but you're not authorized to pick your own servants Sire.",

The prince rolled his eyes and stood walking around. "Too bad.", the prince chuckled.

Some people simply looked away, other bowed their heads, and some left. There was about six people left.

I looked down and sighed standing.

"Hey you!! Sit your ass down!", I flinched at the yelling and looked at him.
"I said sit your ass down!!",
I tensed and sat down looking at him as he walked over to him. "I want you, follow me.",
I looked around then at Iida as he looked visibly angry.

"You can't do that!! It's against the rules!!", he yelled.
"And since when have I cared about rules.", the prince grumbled and grabbed my arm yanking me up. "Ugh.. th-that hurts..", I mumbled as his grip became tighter. "Too bad.", he began walking towards the stairs. I stumbled and followed as I looked back at Uraraka and Iida. Iida shook his head and left and Uraraka stood and left after.

All I know as Im going be in trouble... he doesn't seem to remember me... because if he did he wouldn't have picked me... but, why me?.. there's so many better people in this kingdom than me.

I was pulled from my thoughts as I was shoved to the floor. "You'll be cooking, cleaning, and taking care of me from here on out. If you complain, whine, or refuse I'll throw you in the dungeons where you'll rot and starve.",
I look up at him as I nod softly standing.

"I walk around the kingdom a lot and I've never seen you around before. Where do you even work?", he mumbled flopping into his bed.

"I-I work as a maid y-your highness.. b-but lately the other maids won't let me enter the department...",

The prince rolled his eyes. "We'll test that tomorrow",

I nodded and looked around his room, it's an absolute mess and if I have to be honest it smells terrible... they're muddy foot prints all over the floor, all his clothes are spread out and clearly dirty... his bed is a mess and his sheets... his white sheets aren't even white anymore.. I walk into his bathroom and dear god... the bathtub looks like it hasn't been drained in days the counters have dirty laundry and.. green grimy on it... the shower is nasty and dirty... how can someone live in such filth... I cleaned this before why couldn't he keep it clean... I walk out and look at him. "So can I go back to my room and sleep...?"

"Nope. You can sleep on the floor.", he mumbled and got under neath his blankets closing his eyes.

The floor?... I look at the floor and gag. I look at the prince once more to see if he's asleep, and he was.. so quickly to be honestl.

I stepped out of the room and sat against the wall. It smells way better out here than in there...

After a while I finally closed my eyes and fell asleep.. I'll have to clean that room tomorrow... after I show him I'm not allowed in the maid department.

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