Chapter Fifty-Two: Help

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Recap: Maybe I should say something...
"I'm.. fine.. let me rest.."
I guess that's all I can muster up.
I kept my eyes closed, my body felt heavier than a boulder. My head was pounding, my body felt cold, except my hand.
My right hand, I know is hot to the touch, it's throbbing consistently, all the way to the middle of my forearm. I can hardly even move it, there's a slight tingle, the blood circulation probably being cut off from the bandages and swelling. I haven't changed the bandages recently. Would that cause a problem?.. my body feels like it's paralyzed..
I can't even open my eyes..
A short rest will do me some good..
Just a short one...
Everything went silent.
My consciousness slipped.

Izuku's Pov
I stayed close behind Kacchan, the trees started thinning as I glanced passed him, there was a large empty area. Only grass with was surrounded by a circle of trees. The grass is so green and beautiful. Is this really what he wanted to show me?.. maybe it's a little further out..
My hand was pulled from the bottom of kacchans shirt as he started walking forward, all of a sudden he fell backwards. "Kacchan?!"
Did something push him?- no it looked like he ran into something.
"A barrier?.." Kacchan muttered.
I stepped forward and placed my hands on it, it feels so weird... "Wooow.."
it makes me palms tingle, and it's smooth. Is this magic?..
I glanced at Kacchan as he stood then looked forward as the barrier slowly dropped reveali-
Theres a giant- Dragon?!
I quickly look at Kacchan then back at the huge red creature in front of us. I began backing up, my heart racing. This thing could kill us!
"Ka-k-kach- Dragon!!"
"It's fine dek-"
"No!! That! Th-that's huge!! Oh my-" I tripped and fell backwards. Kacchan brought me to our death.. I can hardly breathe. Is this really happening?? Oh my god we're going to die!..
Kacchan knelt down to me and grabbed my shoulders. He released a calming pheromone. I stared at him with wide eyes. "It's safe. It's a good dragon."
Is he crazy?..
Kacchan looked back at the dragon as it shifted into a human.
A good dragon..?
He ran over and helped me up. I stared at him. He was kind of tall, red spiky hair. A scar over one of his eyes. His teeth sharp.
"Wow you brought someone! How cool!!"
Kacchan stepped away from me, all I could do was stare at this being in front of me.
"Y-you're.. you.. y-you're a dr-"
"Half dragon! Pretty cool, huh?!"
I tensed and gave a small nod. He's.. scary, friendly, but scary..
"Let's go!!" He yelled grabbing our things and then ran inside.
Kacchan grabbed my hand with his left hand and pulled me into the barrier as it closed behind us. "Kacchan.. wh-what.. is this?.."
He looked at me and smiled a bit. "My friends."
My eyes widened.
His friends?? Kacchan took me to see his friends?!
Everything in me relaxed. I want to know the type of people Kacchan likes being around..
"Then I'm excited to meet the type of people you like.."
He nodded as we both entered the cottage.
"Ah!!! Bakugo it's been so long!!"
This girl was loud.. she ran at Kacchan and hugged him. He let go of my hand and pushed her off. "I suppose" he mumbled.
This girls eyes were black, her iris yellow, interesting.. her skin was a bright pink too. She looked pretty though..
"Who's this?!" She leaned to me getting close to my face. I stepped back slightly and smiled trying to seem friendly. "Izuku.." I mumbled.
"We'll it's lovely to meet you!!"
I nodded a bit and glanced at Kacchan.
"Where's dunce face?" There's another?
Kacchan grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.
"He's hunting for this weeks rations. He's been gone for a little while." The dragon answered his questions. No one has really told me their names.. "I put your things in the guest room upstairs"
I wonder how long we'll be here for.. I look around the cottage, it's so beautiful. It's super clean too and smells fresh.
"It's nice huh?" I glance over at the red haired guy as he got in my face. No one has personal boundaries... Kacchan really likes hanging with these guys?.. I never would have guessed..
"yeah uhm.." I looked at them.
"How does the barrier work?.."
"It's mine!!" the pink girl shouted as she smiled. "I come from a witches bloodlin-" she paused then looked at kacchan. "I finally learned how to do the barrier right! And I can keep it up for as long as I want! Isn't that so cool?!!" She was so excited, Kacchan shrugged, "it's o-"
I think it's cool though.
"It's- it's actually super cool.. it's really good at defense! It's completely invisible from the outside and blocks everything on the outside!"
It'd be such a helpful thing in a kingdom. I wonder how big she can make it. How much energy does it usually take from her.. does she have to verbally cast it for it to work? Does she have to use an enchanted item..? Or just her own brain power?.. so many questions..
"I know!!! And we can see everything from the inside!! It's so helpful and hardly takes any of my energy!!"
It sounds really powerful.. no energy? I wonder how big it can go before it starts draining her... she said it can stay up for as long as she wants.. does it ever tire her out? "How long did it take to perfect?"
"A couple months. Kirishima is so big in his dragon form that he constantly breaks it! But I finally got it to where it's almost invincible! Plus it's super easy now!"
I laughed, the red heads name is Kirishima.. "Almost. I'm sure I can still break I-"
The pink girl punched him in the arm. "Don't!"
I guess he's broken it a lot..
"Ok, ok" he defensively put his hands up and walked into a room in the back.
She laughed and put her hands on her hips.
"I have to keep an eye out for Kaminari, so you guys get comfortable!" She gave a slight nod and left up the stairs. I glanced at Kacchan. He didn't eat much yesterday and he didn't sleep.. he's looking pale, and exhausted.
"Kacchan, you ok?"
He nodded and let go of me "I'm going to go sit outside.." he walked out the front door and closed it.
I figured he should eat. I looked around the cottage, then went upstairs where the.. Kirishima.. said our room would be.. there was four doors.. I checked the first on to the right, and lucky enough that's where our stuff was. I entered and looked around. It's so nice..
I looked at the food basket and opened it. I grabbed a sandwich, an apple, and one of the water flasks. After I walked out and downstairs out the front door, Kacchan didn't go very far, he was right next to the door staring at the grass below him.
He looked at me as I sat next to him. "I brought you some food.." I set down the items in front of him.
"You didnt have to.." he mumbled as he began eating slowly.
"Kacchan.. you ok?.." I whispered. He really doesn't look well.. but I don't want to be rude..
"Why do you keep asking that?" He side eyed me taking another bite of the apple.
I furrowed my brows. I'm worried..
"You.. you look pale, and flushed; like sick..- a-and I'm not trying to insult you.. I-I'm just worried.. you just dont look well.."
He sighed and shrugged it off.
"I feel fine, just tired. I stayed up all night, and this is my first time eating since before yesterday.."
He finished the apple then opened the sandwich.
Is it really just that?.. there has to be more.. I should believe him...
I exhaled and nodded laying back looking at the sky.
Kacchan laid back after finishing his sandwich. "I might sleep, I want to tell you that you'll be really safe in this area. Everyone here is su-" I looked at the yellow hair boy that interrupted Kacchan.
"BAKUGO!!" He was really loud. He was tall.. bright yellow hair with a black streak,
Kacchan was interrupted again.
"We have to go hunting together!! With Kirishima too!! It's been way too long!!" He approached Kacchan, he had a large bag on his back, I wonder what's inside.. it's really full..
"That looks like a lot for weekly rations."
That's dead- food?? That's a lot of food..
I guess this guy is Kaminari judging by what the pink girl said..
He kicked Kacchans foot.
"Not my fault Kirishima is a fat ass!"
"HEY!! I can't help it!!" Kirishima yelled from inside. He has good ears.. but I guess they're all pretty loud... "you could hear me?!" He walked inside as the bickering became muffled. Such a lively bunch. It's really crazy that these are the people Kacchan feels most comfortable around..

"They're funny.." I began to laugh, I covered my mouth thinking about how loud and ridiculous they are. "They're all so lively, I would have never expected that this is your crowd of people."
I saw that he looked at me in my peripheral. "They know you're a royal too?"
"Yeah.. they don't think anything of it. It's nice. I usually come stay with them when I need a break, or when my mother is being to overwhelming about my duties."
I furrowed my brows staring at the sky.
"But you haven't come here in a while?"
"Yeah.. because of you.."
What..? Me? My fault?... really?..
"It's nothing bad, last time I came here you almost starved yourself to death.. so I just.. I thought I'd bring you with me when you were healthy enough.."
It is bad.. that's so embarrassing..
"I'm sorry Kacchan.. I didn't mean to burden you..."
He brushed it off and shrugged, "don't apologize.."
Why?.. I looked at him as he closed his eyes.
He was looking so pale.. his dark circles looked pretty bad too.. his cheeks were flushed, and he was shivering.
I stared at him for a few minutes. Is he asleep?.. he looks so uncomfortable, is he really asleep??..
He barely opened his eyes glancing at me.
He's not asleep.
"You ok?.."

I furrowed my brows, his eyes look so dull.. somethings not right- somethings very wrong..
I slightly picked up my head. He kept silent, no answer, he just stared blankly. I felt my heart begin to race.
I panicked and sat up quickly grabbing his shoulders. "Kacchan!!?" He closed his eyes taking a weak deep breath, he exhaled shakily and muttered.
"I'm.. fine.. let me rest.."
somethings wrong. Something is very, very wrong!
"Kacchan?! Wake up!"
I shook him slightly as his head lolled to the side.
I put my finger under his nose, he's breathing.
Is he really this tired?? This is more than just being tired!
Am I overthinking?!
I placed my hand on his forehead. He was burning up. He's sick. How long has he been sick for?? He's not fine at all! Why did we come on this trip if he's unwell?!
I stood and ran inside.

His fever is way to high to be normal. He feels like he's boiling.

"Help! Kacchan needs help!"

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