Chapter Thirty-Eight: Patience

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Recap: Does Kacchan even think of me?.. please think of me too.. come back Kacchan, I may be a lousy servant, but I wish for you to return soon, just to know you're ok..

Do you even think of me?

Staring at the door, I believe it's a hallucination, but someone opened it.. ah..
I exhaled heavily, I'm hallucinating..

Ah.. who..

Who opened the door.. my eyes won't focus, everything's a blur.

Ah.. Kacchan maybe.. please be Kacchan.. please..

Finally after his sudden disappearance, Katsuki entered his room, he looked around locking his eyes on his dainty, malnourished servant. His brows furrowed as he walked over kneeling down to the thin boy, he watched Izuku close his eyes. Katsuki sighed and picked him up holding him gently as if he were a princess. He walked down the corridors to the Recovery quarters, confused why Izuku was in such a bad state, he hadn't had any information to give Chiyo.

Izuku was completely malnourished, his dainty body thinner than before, his limbs looking as if they'd snap like sticks. Katsuki sat the frail boy in a bed.

His brows furrowed looking at the eye bags beneath Izuku's eyes, his cheeks sunken. His arms and legs as thin as twigs.

Katsuki left the room and stood outside the door picking at his fingers, scowling at the ground. His servant constantly getting ill and damaged, it was annoying. Worrying for such a person was tiring for him. However, he felt as if he wasn't worrying enough.

Katsuki regretting leaving due to his servants carelessness. Never taking care of himself.
Chiyo walked out and looked at Katsuki with a sigh.

"He's unfit to be a servant, he's unfit to be alone, he needs someone to depend on and that's not you, Katsuki. You're going to have to let him go. Or else he'll die." Chiyo explained crossing her arms.
"He's not a kid. I shouldn't have to be hip to hip with him." Katsuki grumbled.

Katsuki looked at her. He furrowed his brows.
A near dead body laying on his floor when he returned, he exhaled a stressful sigh.
"When will he wake?" Katsuki mumbled.
"I'm unsure. It looks as if he hasn't slept in a few days. He should be fine after some rest and a meal. However, he needs to start eating more. His body is growing weaker, he'll die if he doesn't." Chiyo opened a cabinet looking a some medicines. "You're also watching him until he wakes up. Because you're to stubborn to get another servant." She sighed. "You've always been like that."

Katsuki sat beside the bed and crossed his arms. "K.." he mumbled in annoyance.

He sat back closing his eyes. Not entirely understanding Izuku's mentality. Consistently starving himself or refusing to sleep.
One of his excuses is him not wanting to go in heat, which further confused Katsuki.

I opened my eyes looking upon the ceiling.

Ah.. I slept.. good..

I looked at the door as it closed, then around, I'm alone in the recovery quarters..

I can't remember who opened the door to Kacchans room, maybe another maid.. Well they'd have no reason to be up there.. did Kacchan return..? He's probably annoyed with me already.

I sighed closing my eyes. I got to sleep.. for how long..
I glanced at the door as it opened, Ms Chiyo..

We made eye contact before I looked away. "Oh good, you're awake. You've been sleep for quite a while. Almost.. an entire day. Also food is being brought here, you are to eat all of it."

She's strict.. I nodded looking at the door as it opened after a few minutes.

Ah.. it's Kacchan.. he's back..

I relaxed looking at him. He looks annoyed, well he always looks like that, but even more so now.

Kacchan sat a bowl of soup and a glass of water on the side table next to me, he then walked around and sat in a wooden chair, "Eat." He grumbled sitting back looking at his lap.

I furrowed my brows looking at the bowl, I truly had no energy to sit up, none, I could find a single ounce of energy. I felt as if just waking up was a work out.

Kacchan noticed eventually, he sat me up then reached over grabbing the bowl of soup. "I don't care how long it takes you to eat this, but you will finish it, no matter what." He grumbled lifting the spoon to my mouth. He's feeding me, how pathetic..

I was starving but at the same time I had no appetite. It was painful to say in the least, I took the spoonful in my mouth and swallowed looking down. "Good job.." He mumbled before offering another in which again I swallowed. "I made sure there wasn't a ton, since I know your appetite will be limited.. ok? So just do you best.. let's not have this happen again, or you'll have to retire from being my servant, ok?"
I looked at him as he spoke so kindly yet sternly to me.
"What happens if I have to retire?.." I mumbled.
Kacchan looked at me with relief almost, but why?
"You finally spoke.."
That's why..
Why does it matter that much though..
I nodded and looked at the bowl he held.
Kacchan sighed "Anyways, if you were to retire, you'd most likely be demoted to how you were working before, or you'd have to leave the castle. After receiving your pay."

I nodded, I both neither want to go back to how I was working before, or leave the castle. The most simplest thing to do is: work for Kacchan. I, however, don't want to work with or for anymore princesses..
"Can we keep the next princesses in a guest room?" I mumbled glancing up at him.
"Yes. Yes we can.." he sighed again offering me another spoonful, in which I complied to his wordless request.

It took an hour before I completely finished to bowl, my appetite was small, very small. I wouldn't say it was hard after it being all done and over with, but during it felt as if I'd be trying to eat that forever.

Kacchan laid me back down and pulled the thin sheet over me. "Rest for now. Tomorrow we can talk more, you'll be eating three meals a day. And no need to worry for your heat, Chiyo has suppressants for you."

I nodded a bit and looked up at the ceiling. I can get more sleep..

I closed my eyes before easily falling into a dreamless sleep.

I truly am, such a worthless servant.

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