Chapter Thirty-Five: Luxanna Sulimanava (2)

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Recap: "Ngh- K-Kacchan!! Kacchan please!! Please!! Please no!" I shouted.
"Relax.." he grumbled releasing, very soft pheromones.
"Take a deep breath, and-" he stopped talking pushing my hip roughly back into place.

"Ungh- Ah!!-"
My voice fell short, the pain sending my body into a shock, not only that.. but Kacchans.. Kacchans.. he.. his lips are against mine..

My mind and vision became clouded and stuffy as I lost consciousness.

If only I could stay awake, for just a few more seconds..


I woke up the next day and Kacchan had already been down stairs, I assume eating with the princess. 

After a few hours Kacchan entered his room with the princess behind him. "We should create a funding for the village and upgrade their houses, it'd be more beneficial and for that extra money, we can take it out of the servants pay."
"What?." Kacchan looked at her like she had spoke an entirely different language, then looked at me. "Deku. Why don't you tell her why we don't need to fund the village." He sighed and walked over to me sitting on the bed.
"H-huh?.. well.. we-well.. because the village is.. already being funded properly by the kingdom.. without the servants pay.. and that the houses have all been up-upgraded properly.. and appropriately... the village now.. ha-has two medics, many food stands, as well as shops.. and a fully functional education system for the ch-children.." I mumbled.
I remember when there was a meeting to upgrade the village.. but if anything else needs to be done we can issue it without problem, the kingdom has the money to build an entirely new village plus all the upgrades the current village has.
"Exactly." Kacchan nodded a bit.
"You couldn't answer because you're the one who made me go to the meeting instead of going yourself.." I mumbled looking at the ceiling.
Kacchan looked and me and nudged my shoulder. "Shut up."

I shrugged and smiled. "You told me to never lie to a royal." I remarked looking at him.
"Dont turn my words against me.-"

The princess cleared her throat grabbing our attentions. "Well I'm sorry for suggesting such a thing. Is there anything your kingdom doesn't have?"
"It has everything it needs. But.. I-I think that if you're suggesting things like that for this kingdom, doesn't that mean you should be making those arrangements for your own kingdom than ours?.." I mumbled looking at her.
"Well.. you're not wrong.. but my kingdom is perfectly where it needs to be financially."

I nodded and looked at Kacchan.

"Well.. As a possible future Queen; I find it that it is appropriate for me to get to know the maids and servants below." Kacchan and I both looked at the princess as she left the room with a small curtsy.

"She'll be greeting those idiots forever." Kacchan mumbled and moved laying beside me. "How's your hip?"

"Uh... It's fine... right now.. there's no pain, but I guess that's because I'm not moving." I mumbled in response.
"Ok, well Chiyo left the kingdom yesterday morning, I can't remember what she said she was getting, but it's something to help you heal faster." Kacchan sighed and closed his eyes.
"Like a potion?.." I asked.
"No just herbs from the elves, and I think... near the mermaids.. she said something about a healing.. plant thing in the sea.. or whatever." He grumbled.

"Do you not know anything of this world? Have you lived in a dirt tunnel your entire life? Come on now." He sat up looking at me with furrowed brows. "We make trades with all the mystical beings all the time in this country. You should know that by now. Do you not listen?"

"During meetings?.. I-I get distracted and bored sometimes... so I forget to listen."
"You forget?" He stared at me disappointed.
"W-well you're the prince! I shouldn't have to listen I'm just a servant!-"

"You should listen! You know so little about this country! You have an actual pea brain!"
"It's not my fault!-"
"If you didn't 'forget' to listen then it wouldn't be you're fault. But it is. You could know so much more if you paid attention during meetings, even if it doesn't involve you."

I nodded. "Elves and mermaids?-"
"And Dragons, Mermen, Mages, Dark elves, Gnomes, Orcs, Taurens, Night elves, Draenei, Worgens, Blood elves, Void elves, Iron dwarfs, Nightbornes, Trolls, Dark Iron dwarfs, Goblins, Forsakens, Warlocks, Wizards, Shamans, Paladins, Monks-" He grumbled numbering them on his fingers.

"Ok! Ok! I get it! There are a lot!" I shouted so he'd stop.
"Do you? Did you know those types of people exist? The world is a lot larger than you think. It's more than just people like us with second genders."

"I know... n-now..."
"However, we have the highest status. Pyramid wise, we sit at the top. Though us royals basically sit above the top."
I nodded again looking away. "That's too seems poorly organized.. the system I mean."
"It is. However, it makes sense." He mumbled laying down.

"I guess..." I watched him lay down and turn towards me.

I looked away, "Kacchan, when does ms Chiyo come back?.."

He sighed. "Don't know. Tomorrow, maybe after tomorrow. All you have to do is rest and eat."
"Yeah.." I nodded and closed my eyes.

I don't like laying around doing nothing.. but I don't mind as much if Kacchan is here with me. It's less lonely, and he has a lot more patience with me.
"Kacchan you're smart, you should teach me-" I looked at him. We could spend more time together if he teaches me things I don't know.

"Absolutely not. I don't have time for that. I can get you a personal tutor if you want to learn."
"Hm.. ok.."
"Or i can show you the library-"
I looked at him quickly "No need!" I smiled. "I already know where it is! Before I worked for you I spent most of my time in the library or in my room."

He nodded. "That's unfortunate" he then chuckled. "However, there are a lot of educational books there. When you're all healed up, definitely read them."
I nodded in response.

A looked away as a few awkward minutes of silence passed. And then the room doors opened.

"Your highness, there's lunch downstairs awaiting us. Also-" she entered the room with a platter. "I brought you some too, hence you being unable to move just yet." She walked over and placed the platter on the bed side table.
"Th-Thankyou.." I mumbled, she brought me food. I looked at Kacchan as he got up. "We'll be back Deku. Eat well."

He walked towards the doors and left as the princess stayed behind. "I've heard many things about you from the servants and maids below. I must say I'm surprised."
"Oh?.." Did she hear bad, or good things? "What's there to be surprised about?.." I mumbled looking at her.
She walked to the door. "Nothing much." She turned to me and curtsied then left.

What'd she hear though... Well, it won't affect me.

I looked at the meal beside me and sat up slowly picking up the bowl of soup- Soup?..  "it's still warm.." I mumbled to myself trying some.

It's bland..

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